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引用本文:马长城,葛锐,姜永诚,张洁浩,桑民敬,叶瑞,李少鹏. HEPS超导高频腔低温恒温器氮低温制冷循环系统的热力学性能分析[J]. 原子能科学技术, 2021, 55(3): 561-568. DOI: 10.7538/yzk.2020.youxian.0297
作者姓名:马长城  葛锐  姜永诚  张洁浩  桑民敬  叶瑞  李少鹏
作者单位:中国科学院 高能物理研究所,北京100049;中国科学院 粒子加速物理与技术重点实验室,北京100049;中国科学院 高能物理研究所 射频超导与低温研究中心,北京100049
摘    要:高能同步辐射光源(HEPS)氮低温制冷循环系统为储存环隧道内的7个超导高频腔低温恒温器提供液氮冷量。氮低温制冷循环系统的热力学分析目的是针对HEPS超导高频腔低温恒温器的特点,建立系统的热力学分析模型,研究其工作过程,计算分析系统的制冷系数与循环增压比之间的对应关系。同时,考虑到系统的整体布局,进一步分析计算氮低温制冷循环系统中氮气压缩机和低温透平膨胀机的火用损,优化了系统的热力学设计参数。HEPS氮低温制冷循环系统的热力学性能分析与计算结果对于系统最优化设计和后期工程实践具有一定的指导意义。

关 键 词:超导高频腔   低温恒温器     制冷循环   热力学分析

Thermodynamic Analysis of Nitrogen Cryogenic Refrigeration Cycle System of Superconducting RF Cavity Cryostat for HEPS
MA Changcheng,GE Rui,JIANG Yongcheng,ZHANG Jiehao,SANG Minjing,YE Rui,LI Shaopeng. Thermodynamic Analysis of Nitrogen Cryogenic Refrigeration Cycle System of Superconducting RF Cavity Cryostat for HEPS[J]. Atomic Energy Science and Technology, 2021, 55(3): 561-568. DOI: 10.7538/yzk.2020.youxian.0297
Authors:MA Changcheng  GE Rui  JIANG Yongcheng  ZHANG Jiehao  SANG Minjing  YE Rui  LI Shaopeng
Affiliation:Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China;Key Laboratory of Particle Acceleration Physics and Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China; Center for Superconducting RF and Cryogenics, Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
Abstract:A nitrogen cryogenic refrigeration cycle system of the High Energy Photon Source (HPES) has been designed for cooling of 7 superconducting RF cavity cryostats in the storage ring. The purpose of thermodynamic analysis of the nitrogen cryogenic refrigeration cycle system combined the cryostat’s characteristics and studied the cycle progress. A thermodynamic analysis model of the system was built, and the relationship between refrigeration coefficient and pressure ratio of the system was also carried out. According to the overall layout of the system, the available energy loss of nitrogen compressor and cryogenic turbine expander were analyzed. And optimization thermodynamic parameters of the system were also achieved. For the nitrogen cryogenic refrigeration cycle system, the results will be a guiding significance in optimal design and engineering practice in the future.
Keywords:superconducting RF cavity   cryostat   nitrogen   refrigeration cycle   thermodynamic analysis
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