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引用本文:汪林,吴基文,宋中应,计平,杨智,胡雷. 厚、薄覆岩两带高度发育特征数值模拟研究[J]. 矿业安全与环保, 2007, 34(3): 8-11
作者姓名:汪林  吴基文  宋中应  计平  杨智  胡雷
摘    要:显式拉格朗日差分是80年代出现的一种新的数值分析方法,已成功地运用于边坡工程、挡土墙设计及围岩支护等方面。尝试将其应用于综采放顶煤条件下两带高度即冒落带和裂隙带高度的预测,并基于龙东矿7125综放工作面的模拟,对比分析了覆岩厚、薄对两带高度的影响。结果表明覆岩越薄,两带高度越小,对提高开采上限具有积极的意义。

关 键 词:覆岩厚度  冒落带  裂隙带  数值模拟

Study on Numerical Simulation of Height Development Characteristics of Caving Zone and Water Flowing Fractured Zone in Thin and thick Overlying Strata
Abstract:Explicit Lagrangian finite -difference method is a numerical analysis method which has appeared since 1980s. It was used successfully in the fields of rock -slope engineering, the retaining wall design, the surrounding rock support and so on This paper tries to use it in the prediction of the height of caving zone and water flowing fractured zone in fully mechanized caving mining. It also contrasts and analyzes the influence of thin and thick overlying strata on the height of caving zone and water flowing fractured zone .The results show that the thinner the overlying strata, the smaller the height of caving zone and water flowing fractured zone. It is of positive significance to raising upper mining limit.
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