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摘    要:<正> 浙江舟山出产的冻虾仁,素以个大味鲜闻名海内外,欧洲更是其多年的传统销售市场。然而,最近却因在冻虾仁中查出10亿分之0.2克的氯霉素,而被欧洲一些公司要求退货并索赔。冻虾仁里的氯霉素从哪儿来?原来是手工剥虾的员工,因难耐手痒之苦,用含氯霉素的消毒水止痒,从而带到冻虾仁中的。“手痒”并非一时,为何到现在才提出?这显然是因为欧盟提高了进口冻虾仁的要求。“冻虾仁事件”使“绿色壁垒”这个词更加凸现。

关 键 词:中国  食品工业  绿色壁垒  出口  国际贸易

The new green revolution: dismantling,the barriers towards China's agri-products
Abstract:As a new member of the World Trade Organization, China has promised to lower barriers to the import of agriculture goods, notably wheat, corn, rice and cotton. On the other hand, the United States, European countries and even Japan are setting up barriers toward China's agriculture products because of the poor quality assurance system. To face these challenges and to explore new business opportunities, China has to overcome the poor measures in the existing monitoring system.
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