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Yield and internal stresses in aluminum filled epoxy resin. A compression test and positron annihilation analysis
Authors:S. Goyanes  G. Rubiolo  A. MarzoccaW. Salgueiro  A. Somoza  G. ConsolatiI. Mondragon
The influence of the filler content on the mechanical properties of an epoxy resin composite filled with aluminum powder was investigated. Compressive tests were performed at room temperature and at different strain rates. The response of the composites was also studied by positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy. The dependence of the yield stress on the filler content is shown. The results are discussed in terms of a proposed model that takes into account the contribution of the filler powder. To this purpose information from positron spectroscopy is important since it allows to correctly evaluate the internal stresses introduced in the composite epoxy lattice by the metal filler.
Keywords:Aluminum filled epoxy resin   Internal stresses   Position annihilation
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