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Elastizitätstheoretische Lösung des kreisförmigen Einschlusses in unendlicher Scheibe mittels der Beziehungen zwischen Loch‐ und Einschlussproblem
Authors:H. Amstutz
Abstract:The method applied for the derivation of an elastic solution of an infinite plate with a circular inclusion of mismatching stiffness under uniform remote tension stress is based on the special deformation characteristic of this inclusion geometry. Outgoing from the analysis of the plate with a circular hole is the exact solution of the general inclusion problem obtained by superposition of a specific inner stress field.
Keywords:kreisfö  rmiger Einschluss  Spannungskonzentration  Einschlussdeformation  Inhomogenitä  t  circular inclusion  stress concentration  inclusion deformation  inhomogenity
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