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A new simple and reliable method to form a textured Si surface forthe fabrication of a tunnel oxide film
Authors:Kow-Ming Chang Chii-Horng Li Bao-Sheng Sheih Ji-Yi Yang Shih-Wei Wang Ta-Hsun Yeh
Affiliation:Dept. of Electron. Eng., Nat. Chiao Tung Univ., Hsinchu;
Abstract:In this work, a textured Si surface was formed with a new simple and reliable method for tunnel oxide fabrication. First, a thin poly-Si layer (12 nm thick) was deposited on Si surface and a 30-nm thick dry oxide film was then grown in O2 ambient. This oxide film was served as a sacrificial oxide. The poly-Si film and Si substrate were both oxidized during thermal oxidization. After stripping this sacrificial oxide, a textured Si surface was obtained. Tunnel oxide grown on this textured Si surface has asymmetrical J-E characteristics, less interface states generation and better reliability (larger Qbd ) as compared to those of normal oxide
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