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引用本文:何新. Cu离子交换过程对制备玻璃平面光波导特性的影响[J]. 光电子.激光, 2010, 0(6): 833-836
作者单位:集成光电子学国家重点联合实验室(吉林大学实验区)吉林大学电子科学与工程学院;School of Electronic and Communications Engineering;Dublin Institute of Technology;
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(60577008,60777038); 吉林省科技厅国际合作资助项目(20070708-3)
摘    要:用Cu离子交换技术,制备了soda-lime玻璃平面光波导。通过棱镜耦合技术测量了波导的有效折射率,用反WKB方法拟合得到了平面波导的折射率分布。研究发现,离子交换时间和温度2个可控的制备参数对制备的玻璃平面波导特性有较大影响,随着离子交换时间和温度的增加,波导的模式数和波导深度并非随之单调增加,波导模式数随着离子交换时间的增加先增加而后减小,而适当的离子交换时间可以使制备的波导具有最大的模式数和波导深度,且在该条件下增加离子交换温度可以提高Cu离子交换波导的蓝-绿发光强度,宽带发光中心波长在520 nm附近,发光强度取决于样品中Cu+的浓度以及Cu2+的影响。

关 键 词:Cu离子交换  折射率分布  光致发光(PL)  玻璃平面波导

The effects of copper ion-exchange process on the prepared glass planar waveguides
HE Xin. The effects of copper ion-exchange process on the prepared glass planar waveguides[J]. Journal of Optoelectronics·laser, 2010, 0(6): 833-836
Authors:HE Xin
Affiliation:HE Xin1,ZHANG Jian1,ZHAO Xiao-wei1,LU Qing1,ZHENG Jie1,WANG Peng-fei2,Farrell Gerald2(1.State Key Laboratory of Integrated Optoelectronics,College of Electronic Science and Engineering,Jilin University,Changchun 130012,China,2.School of Electronic and Communications Engineering,Dublin Institute of Technology,Dublin 8,Ireland)
Abstract:Soda-lime glass planar optical waveguides are fabricated by copper ion-exchange technique.The effective indices are measured by prism coupling method and the refractive index profiles of the planar waveguides are reconstructed by inverse WKB method.The properties of the prepared waveguides are affected by the time and temperature of the ion-exchange process.It was found that the modes and depth of the waveguides were not monotonic increasing with the ion-exchange time and temperature increasing,the number o...
Keywords:Cu ion exchange  refractive index profiles  photoluminescence(PL)  glass planar waveguides  
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