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Residence time distributions and reaction kinetics in a fuel cell anode
Authors:M. Duduković  H. Weinstein  D. Y. C. Ng
Affiliation:(1) Department of Chemical Engineering, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, Illinois, USA;(2) Institute of Gas Technology, Chicago, Illinois, USA
A method which treats the fuel cell anode as a chemical reactor is developed to predict fuel cell performance. The method is based on experimentally measured residence time distribution parameters and differential cell kinetic data. The apparatus and experimental technique used to obtain the gas-phase residence time distributions are described. Kinetic data obtained from differential cell tests of the electrodes are used to evaluate an empirical rate expression.Axial dispersion model solutions for flow with volume change are obtained, based on the measured Peclet numbers and empirical rate expressions, and compared with experimental data from operating large high-temperature molten carbonate fuel cells. Agreement between the model and the experimentally determined data is very good, but only for low conversions of the fuel.Notation A cross-sectional area, cm2 - C concentration of hydrogen. (g mole/cm3) - c=C/Co dimensionless concentration of hydrogen - D dispersion coefficient cm2/s - de equivalent diameter, cm - F Faraday's constant - I total current, A - J current density, mA/cm2 - k reaction rate constant, appropriate units - L length, cm - M number of moles - N =D/UL dispersion number - n order of reaction - ne number of electrons transferred - –r rate of reaction based on volume of fluid, moles of reactant reacted/ cm3 s - Se surface of electrode, cm2 - T absolute temperature, °K - 
$$bar t = intlimits_0^infty  {bar tE(t)dt} $$
mean residence time, s - U velocity component in Z direction, cm/s - u = U/U0 dimensionless velocity - Va volume of system, cm3 - V operating voltage, V - v volumetric flow rate, cm2/s - 
$$x = frac{{M_0  - M}}{{M_0 }}$$
fractional conversion, degree of conversion of hydrogen - y mole fraction of hydrogen - Z space coordinate, cm - z =Z/L fractional lengthGreek letters 
$$varepsilon  = frac{{V_{x = 1}  - V_{x = 0} }}{{V_{x = 0} }}$$
coefficient of expansion - rgrm molar density of fuel, g mole/cm3 - eegr overvoltage, V - 
$$sigma _t^2  = intlimits_0^infty  {(t - bar t)^2 E(t)dt} $$
dimensional variance, s2 - sgr2 dimensionless variance - tau =Va/v0 space time, s
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