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引用本文:杨勋年 汪国昭. 三维凸包的快速算法[J]. 浙江大学学报(工学版), 1999, 33(2): 111-114
作者姓名:杨勋年 汪国昭
摘    要:很多情况下点集的凸包只是由其中一部分点的构成,在构造凸包时如能将其内部的点全部或大部分预先去掉,则可大大提高构造凸包的效率,通过地点集的最小包围盒进行剖分和利用凸集的凸性性质,给出了一个新的三维凸包快速算法,与传统方法相比,该方法具有计算简单,效率高的特点。

关 键 词:凸包 有限点集 快速算法 空间剖分 三维

Accelerating algorithm for 3D convex hulls construction
YANG Xun nian,WANG Guo zhao. Accelerating algorithm for 3D convex hulls construction[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University(Engineering Science), 1999, 33(2): 111-114
Authors:YANG Xun nian  WANG Guo zhao
Abstract:The convex hull for a set of points is consist only of a small part of the set generally. If we can remove those points lying in the interior of the hull in an efficient way,we can then construct the hull with fewer time. By dividing the bounding box of the point set and by exploiting the convex property of a convex set,we get an efficient quick hull algorithm. The new method is simple to implement and more efficient than some traditional accelerating methods.
Keywords:convex hull  finite set of points  quick hull  spatial subdivision  
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