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Time and space resolved wall temperature and heat flux measurements during nucleate boiling with constant heat flux boundary conditions
Authors:Jerry G. Myers  Sam W. Hussey  Jungho Kim
Affiliation:a National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Glenn Research Center at Lewis Field, 21000 Brookpark Road, Cleveland, OH 44135, USA
b Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, USA
The lack of time and space resolved measurements under nucleating bubbles has complicated efforts to fully explain pool-boiling phenomena. In this work, time and space resolved temperature and heat flux distributions under nucleating bubbles on a constant heat flux surface were obtained using a 10 × 10 microheater array with 100 μm resolution along with high-speed images. A numerical simulation was used to compute the substrate conduction, which was then subtracted from the heater power to obtain the wall-to-liquid heat transfer. The data indicated that most of the energy required for bubble growth came from the superheated layer around the bubble. Microlayer evaporation and contact line heat transfer accounted for not more than 23% of the total heat transferred from the surface. The dominant heat transfer mechanism was transient conduction into the liquid during bubble departure. Bubble coalescence was not observed to transfer a significant amount of heat.
Keywords:Boiling   Microheater array   Microconvection   Evaporation   Microlayer
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