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Progress in the production and application of n-butanol as a biofuel
Authors:Chao Jin  Mingfa Yao  Haifeng Liu  Chia-fon F. Lee  Jing Ji
Affiliation:aSchool of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China;bSchool of Agriculture and Bioengineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China;cState Key Laboratory of Engines, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China;dDepartment of Mechanical Science and Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL 61801, USA;eCenter for Combustion Energy and State Key Laboratory of Automotive Safety and Energy, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
Abstract:Butanol is a very competitive renewable biofuel for use in internal combustion engines given its many advantages. In this review, the properties of butanol are compared with the conventional gasoline, diesel fuel, and some widely used biofuels, i.e. methanol, ethanol, biodiesel. The comparison of fuel properties indicates that n-butanol has the potential to overcome the drawbacks brought by low-carbon alcohols or biodiesel. Then, the development of butanol production is reviewed and various methods for increasing fermentative butanol production are introduced in detailed, i.e. metabolic engineering of the Clostridia, advanced fermentation technique. The most costive part of the fermentation is the substrate, so methods involved in renewed substrates are also mentioned. Next, the applications of butanol as a biofuel are summarized from three aspects: (1) fundamental combustion experiments in some well-defined burning reactors; (2) a substitute for gasoline in spark ignition engine; (3) a substitute for diesel fuel in compression ignition engine. These studies demonstrate that butanol, as a potential second generation biofuel, is a better alternative for the gasoline or diesel fuel, from the viewpoints of combustion characteristics, engine performance, and exhaust emissions. However, butanol has not been intensively studied when compared to ethanol or biodiesel, for which considerable numbers of reports are available. Finally, some challenges and future research directions are outlined in the last section of this review.
Keywords:Abbreviations: ABE, Acetone butanol ethanol   ASOI, After start of injection   ATDC, After top dead center   BSFC, Break specific fuel consumption   BTDC, Before top dead center   CAD, Crank angle degree   CAI, Controlled autoignition   CFD, Computational fluid dynamics   CFR, Cooperative fuel research   CI, Compression ignition   CN, Cetane number   CO, Carbon monoxide   COV, Coefficient of variation   CVC, Constant volume chamber   DI, Direct-injection   EGR, Exhaust gas recirculation   HCCI, Homogeneous charge compression ignition   IMEP, Indicated mean effective pressure   ISFC, Indicated specific fuel consumption   JSR, Jet stirred reactor   LTC, Low temperature combustion   LTHR, Low temperature heat release   MBT, Maximum break torque   MFB, Mass fraction burn   MON, Motor octane number   NOx, Nitrogen oxides   PAH, Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon   PM, Particulate matter   PON, Pump octane number   RCM, Rapid compression machine   RON, Research octane number   RPM, Revolution per minute   SI, Spark ignition   SOI, Start of injection   THC, Total hydrocarbon   UTG, Unleaded test gasoline
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