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A complete model of the I-V characteristics fornarrow-gate MOSFETs
Authors:Chung   S.S.-S.
Affiliation:Dept. of Electron. Eng., Nat. Chaio Tung Univ., Hsinchu;
Abstract:A unified and process-independent MOSFET model for accurate prediction of the I-V characteristics and the threshold voltages of narrow-gate MOSFETs is discussed. It is based on several enhancements of the SPICE2 LEVEL3 MOS model and the author's previous subthreshold I-V model. The expressions achieved for the drain current hold in the subthreshold, transition, and strong inversion regions. A continuous model is proposed for the transition region, using a scheme that ensures that both the current and conductance are continuous and will not cause convergence problems for circuit simulation applications. All of the modeled parameters are taken from experimentally measured I-V characteristics and preserve physical meaning. Comparisons between the measured and modeled I-V characteristics show excellent agreement for a wide range of channel widths and biases. The model is well suited for circuit simulation in SPICE
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