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引用本文:刘兴华,;叶冲,;李续冲. 路基变形弹性与弹塑性有限元分析方法对比[J]. 土工基础, 2014, 0(4): 78-81
作者姓名:刘兴华,  叶冲,  李续冲
作者单位:[1]中冶建筑研究总院有限公司,北京100088; [2]中国京冶工程技术有限公司,北京100088; [3]建设综合勘察设计研究院有限公司香港基翔工程有限公司,香港999077
摘    要:分别采用弹性和弹塑性有限元分析法对一假想路基进行了分析,通过对两者方法计算结果的对比,探讨了弹性分析法和弹塑性分析法在路基加载瞬时变形、瞬时孔压以及加载结束后固结变形规律上的差异,为该类工程的有限元分析方法的选取提供有价值的结论。研究表明,弹性分析法得到的荷载影响范围要明显大于弹塑性分析法;对于处于弱超固结或正常固结的天然路基变形分析,要尽量采用弹塑性分析法;而对于强超固结的天然路基或加固后的地基,在荷载不大情况下,可以采用弹性分析方法,但要注意边界条件设置对计算结果的影响。

关 键 词:弹性  弹塑性  路基  固结  有限元

Comparative FEM Studies on Embankment Settlement Using Elastic and Elasto-Plastic Theories
Affiliation:LIU Xinghua , YE Chong , LI Xuchong(1. China Jingye Engineering Co. Ltd. ,Beijing 100088;2. Central Research Institute of Building and Construction. MCC, Beijing 100088, China; 3. GoldRam Engineering Development Ltd. , CIGIS (CHINA) Ltd. , Hong Kong 999077)
Abstract:The instant settlement, pore pressure as well as the consolidation settlement of an assumed embankment over cohesive soils is numerically analyzed by using finite element method (FEM) with both elastic and elasto-plastic theories. The results indicate that, the zone of loading influence using elastic theory is significantly greater than the results using elasto-plastic theory. The elasto-plastic analysis should be used in embankments over the normally to slightly over consolidated soils. For embankment or at-grade roadway on heavily over-consolidated soils, elastic theory might be used. It is also concluded that the boundary conditions have strong influence on the analytical results.
Keywords:Elastic Theory  Elasto-plastic Theory  Roadway Subgrade  Consolidation  Finite Element Method
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