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Integrable semiconductor optical correlator, parametricspectrometer for communication systems
Authors:Vakhshoori   D. Wang   S.
Affiliation:AT&T Bell Labs., Murray Hills, NJ;
A broadband integrable waveguide correlator and parametric spectrometer is analyzed both theoretically and experimentally. The correlator can measure pulsewidths from subpicosecond to tens of picoseconds centered at wavelengths of 1.06 to 1.7 μm without any mechanical alignment. The parametric waveguide spectrometer is shown to resolve not only the mode of a 1.3-μm Fabry-Perot laser diode but also the shift of the modes as a function of bias current. The improvement of these integrable waveguide structures and their possible use in laser stabilization, the defining of fixed frequency channels, and other applications for coherent communication systems are also discussed
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