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An estimation method for the free-space antenna factor of VHF EMI antennas
Authors:Fujii   K. Harada   S. Sugiura   A. Matsumoto   Y. Yamanaka   Y.
Affiliation:Res. Inst. of Electr. Commun., Tohoku Univ., Sendai, Japan;
A novel numerical method is developed for theoretically estimating the free-space antenna factor of an electromagnetic interference (EMI) antenna, especially for the very high frequency (VHF) range where traditional methods are difficult to apply. It requires conventional EMI antenna calibration such as the standard antenna method to obtain the antenna factor of an antenna under calibration as a function of the antenna height. Then, a nonlinear least-squares method is applied to the calibration results to estimate the free-space antenna factor. It is found that the proposed method can yield more accurate estimates of the free-space antenna factor than the averaging method. Attainable accuracy of this method is better than 0.2 dB for tuned dipole antennas and 0.1 dB for biconical antennas and biconi-log antennas. The paper outlines the theoretical background and the validity of this method, with the attainable accuracy demonstrated using method of moments simulations.
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