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用MELCOR程序分析600 MWe核电厂乏燃料水池失去厂内外电源严重事故
引用本文:张应超,季松涛,魏严凇,史晓磊,许倩. 用MELCOR程序分析600 MWe核电厂乏燃料水池失去厂内外电源严重事故[J]. 原子能科学技术, 2016, 50(3): 440-445. DOI: 10.7538/yzk.2016.50.03.0440
作者姓名:张应超  季松涛  魏严凇  史晓磊  许倩
作者单位:中国原子能科学研究院 反应堆工程研究设计所,北京102413
摘    要:利用MELCOR程序建立了600 MWe核电厂乏燃料水池计算模型,分别计算了在正常储存、正常换料和反应堆事故工况下,乏燃料水池失去厂内外电源严重事故序列。计算结果表明,燃料组件大约裸露一半后,锆水反应导致燃料熔化并产生大量氢气。分析了喷淋和注水对乏燃料水池事故的影响,分析结果表明,在燃料包壳失效前,以沸腾蒸发速率注水或喷淋能中止事故发展,并能使乏燃料水池水位缓慢回升。

关 键 词:MELCOR   乏燃料   乏燃料水池   严重事故

Station Blackout Severe Accident Analysis of Spent Fuel Pool of 600 MWe NPP by Using MELCOR Code
ZHANG Ying-chao,JI Song-tao,WEI Yan-song,SHI Xiao-lei,XU Qian. Station Blackout Severe Accident Analysis of Spent Fuel Pool of 600 MWe NPP by Using MELCOR Code[J]. Atomic Energy Science and Technology, 2016, 50(3): 440-445. DOI: 10.7538/yzk.2016.50.03.0440
Authors:ZHANG Ying-chao  JI Song-tao  WEI Yan-song  SHI Xiao-lei  XU Qian
Affiliation:China Institute of Atomic Energy, P. O. Box 275-64, Beijing 102413, China
Abstract:Using MELCOR code ,the spent fuel pool (SFP) of 600 MWe nuclear power plant (NPP) was modeled ,and the station blackout severe accidents were calculated when the SFP was under normal condition ,refuelling condition and the reactor accident condition .The calculation results show that fuel assemblies will melt down and hydro‐gen will generate ,due to zirconium‐water reaction ,after the half height of fuel assem‐blies is uncovered .The influence of injection or spray on SFP accidents was analysed , and the results show that SFP accidents will be terminated and the water level of SFP will return up before fuel cladding damage if water is injected or sprayed into the SFP with the boiling evaporation mass rate .
Keywords:M ELCOR  spent fuel  spent fuel pool  severe accident
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