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The Innovative Imperative: Architectures of Vitality
Authors:Pia Ednie-Brown  Mark Burry  Andrew Burrow
Keywords:Cathedral of Saint Peter of Beauvais, Beauvais, France  Le Thornet Abbey, Provence, France  Filippo Brunelleschi, Basilica di Santa Maria dei Fiore cupola, Florence  Ludovico Cigilio  Mark Wigley  here-now qualities  Joseph Paxton, The Crystal Palace, Hyde Park, before being moved to Penge Common, London  Vladimir Shukhov, Shukhov radio tower (Shabolovka tower), Moscow  emerging vitality  Vitruvius' Ten Books of Architecture  the Internet  Antoni Gaudí, ‘Hanging model’ for Colònia Güell Chapel, Santa Coloma de Cervelló, near Barcelona  Norman Foster, Willis Faber & Dumas Headquarters, Ipswich, Suffolk, UK  James Stirling, Faculty of History Library, Cambridge University, Cambridge  Renzo Piano, Richard Rogers and Gianfranco Franchini, Centre George Pompidou, Paris  MOS (Michael Meredith and Hilary Sample), Pavilion Spéciale competition entry mock-ups, École Speciale d'Architecture, New York studio  Ginger Krieg Dosier, VergeLabs/BioMASON, Bio-Manufactured Brick  Pia Ednie-Brown, Plastic Futures, State of Design Festival, Melbourne  Gothic Revival  Le Corbusier  La Tourette  New Territories/R&Sie(n), Concrete bio-polymer secretions/extrusions/toolings, weaving bio-concrete  Cloud 9 Architects (Enric Ruiz Geli), Media Tic, Barcelona  Occupy Movement  Where Good Ideas Come From: The Natural History of Innovation  Steven Johnson  John Odling-Smee, Kevin Laland and Marcus Feldman  Niche Construction  particularities of innovation  Congrés internationaux d'architecture modern (CIAM)
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