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Plasticity of bcc micropillars controlled by competition between dislocation multiplication and depletion
Authors:Ill Ryu  William D. Nix  Wei Cai
Affiliation:1. Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305-4040, USA;2. Department of Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305-4040, USA
Abstract:Recent micropillar experiments have shown strong size effects at small pillar diameters. This “smaller is stronger” phenomenon is widely believed to involve dislocation motion, which can be studied using dislocation dynamics (DD) simulations. In the present paper, we use a three-dimensional DD model to study the collective dislocation behavior in body-centered cubic micropillars under compression. Following the molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of Weinberger and Cai, we consider a surface-controlled cross-slip process, involving image forces and non-planar core structures, that leads to multiplication without the presence of artificial dislocation sources or pinning points. The simulations exhibit size effects and effects of initial dislocation density and strain rate on strength, which appear to be in good agreement with recent experimental results and with a simple dislocation kinetics model described here. In addition, at the high strain rates considered, plasticity is governed mainly by the kinetics of dislocation motion, not their elastic interactions.
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