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Studies of relationship between petrography and elemental analysis with grindability for Kentucky coals
Authors:E. Jorjani  James C. Hower  Mohsen A. Shirazi
Affiliation:a Department of Mining Engineering, Research and Science Campus, Islamic Azad University, Poonak, Hesarak, Tehran, Iran
b Center for Applied Energy Research, University of Kentucky, 2540 Research Park Drive, Lexington, KY 40511, USA
c Industrial Engineering Department, K.N. Toosi University of Technology, P.O.B. 16315-989 Tehran, Iran
Abstract:The effects of macerals, ash, elemental analysis and moisture of wide range of Kentucky coal samples from calorific value of 23.65-34.68 MJ/kg (10,170-14,910 (BTU/lb)) on Hardgrove Grindability Index (HGI) have been investigated by multivariable regression method. Two sets of input: (a) macerals, ash and moisture (b) macerals, elemental analysis and moisture, were used for the estimation of HGI. The least square mathematical method shows that increase of the TiO2 and Al2O3 contents in coal can decrease HGI. The higher Fe2O3 content in coal can result in higher HGI. With the increase of micrinite and exinite contents in coal, the HGI has been decreased and higher vitrinite content in coal results in higher HGI. The multivariable studies have shown that input set of macerals, elemental analysis and moisture in non-linear condition can be achieved an acceptable correlation, R = 90.38%, versus R = 87.34% for the input set of macerals, ash and moisture. It is predicted that elemental analysis of coal can be a better representative of mineral matters for the prediction of HGI than ash.
Keywords:Hardgrove grindability index   Coal petrography   Coal elemental analysis
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