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Mesoporous catalysts for the synthesis of clean diesel fuels by oligomerisation of olefins
Authors:Roberto Catani   Monica Mandreoli   Stefano Rossini  Angelo Vaccari  

a Snamprogetti SpA, Via F. Maritano 26, 20092 S. Donato Milanese, MI, Italy

b Dipartimento di Chimica Industriale e dei Materiali, Università di Bologna, INSTM-UdR di Bologna, Viale del Risorgimento 4, 40136 Bologna, Italy

Abstract:Si/Al MCM-41 type mesoporous compounds, as such or containing small amounts of metal (Ni, Rh or Pt), were investigated in the synthesis of clean diesel fuels by oligomerisation of orphan olefin streams. Very good catalytic performances were obtained with C4 and C5 olefins, while almost no conversion occurred with ethylene. The activity increased with increasing reaction pressure, temperature and contact time, while high Si/Al ratios had a negative effect on both activity and catalyst stability. The presence of small amount of metal inside the mesoporous structure did not significantly modify the catalytic activity, although specific effects were detected for each element. Since the evaluation of the cetane number by H-NMR gave rise to values about 20% lower than the actual value, a new and more complex algorithm is proposed to calculate the cetane number. Using the proposed algorithm, a good correlation index was found between calculated and motor values for pure compounds. Further study is necessary to move from pure compounds to experimental mixtures.
Keywords:MCM-41   Diesel   Olefins   Oligomerisation   Rh   Ni   Pt   Cetane number
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