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一种新型的ZVS PWM MR Boost变换器
引用本文:白三中 黄念慈. 一种新型的ZVS PWM MR Boost变换器[J]. 电源世界, 2007, 0(5): 14-16
作者姓名:白三中 黄念慈
作者单位:四川大学电气信息学院 (成都610065)
摘    要:本文提出了一种基于PWM控制的ZVS Boost变换器,采用开关管的寄生电容作为谐振电容,通过多谐振在开关管开通前将其寄生电容放电,避免了开通时电容放电造成的开通损耗。谐振前对谐振电感放电以避免谐振电流尖峰,并采用无源箝位技术限制谐振电压,使得该变换器具有与传统PWM硬开关变换器相同的电压、电流应力。

关 键 词:软开关  Boost变换器  ZVS

A Novel ZVS PWM MR Boost Converter
Bai Sanzhong, Huang Nianci. A Novel ZVS PWM MR Boost Converter[J]. the world of power supply, 2007, 0(5): 14-16
Authors:Bai Sanzhong   Huang Nianci
Abstract:A Boost converter based on the PWM control strategy is proposed. By using the parasitic capacitances of the active switches as resonant capacitors,and discharging these capacitors before the active switches turn on,capacitive turn-on losses are avoided. The resonant inductor is discharged before the resonant stage takes place,and the resonant voltage peek is clamped by reactive diodes, thus making this converter be subjected to the same voltage and current stress as there counterparts in conventional hard-switching converters.
Keywords:soft switching Boost converter ZVS
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