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引用本文:潘炜,张晓霞,罗斌,陈建国. 半导体微腔激光器中的自发辐射耦合增强效应[J]. 激光与红外, 2001, 31(4): 216-218,224
作者姓名:潘炜  张晓霞  罗斌  陈建国
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目 ( 697770 19),铁道部科技发展计划基金 ( 97× 2 1)资助项目
摘    要:针对半导体微腔激光器的结构特点,以及腔量子电动力学中自发辐射增强效应,采用光增益与载流子密度的对数关系,引入增益饱和项和非辐射复合项的贡献,指出即便是对于理想的封闭微腔,由于非辐射衰减速率的影响,光输出并不随泵浦线性变化。结合频谱和相图分析,给出了自发辐射耦合因子与微腔激光器的辐射阈值、开关延迟时间、驰豫振荡频率和光输出等参量关系的仿真结果,这对于微腔激光器的理论研究和优化器件结构有所裨益。

关 键 词:半导体微腔激光器  自发辐射耦合因子  阈值  瞬态响应

Enhancing Effect of Spontaneous Emission in Semiconductor Microcavity Lasers
PAN Wei,ZHANG Xiao-xia,LOU Bin,CHEN Jian-guo. Enhancing Effect of Spontaneous Emission in Semiconductor Microcavity Lasers[J]. Laser & Infrared, 2001, 31(4): 216-218,224
Authors:PAN Wei  ZHANG Xiao-xia  LOU Bin  CHEN Jian-guo
Affiliation:PAN Wei1,ZHANG Xiao-xia1,LOU Bin1,CHEN Jian-guo2
Abstract:According to structural property of microcavity lasers and enhancing effect of spontaneous emission in cavity quantum electron dynamics,Based on changing the logarithrnic relation of gain of carrier density,the stimulated-emission rate includes a gain saturation as well as carrier recombination term.A simple rate equation formula is discussed the characteristics of microcavity lasers.It was found that the characteristic curve of a thresholdlesslaser is strongly nonradiative depopulation-dependent.When the nonradiative depopulation is no zero,the light-current characteristic is not linearly even for an ideal closed microcavity.Described an analysis for transient response characteristics of microcavity lasers,We have got the relation of spontaneous emission factor on threshold,turn-on delay,relaxation oscillation frequency and output power.The result is benefit of semiconductor MQW lasers both in theoretical analysis and device structures.
Keywords:semiconductor microcavity lasers  spontaneous emission  threshold  transient response.
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