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Truss optimization on shape and sizing with frequency constraints based on genetic algorithm
Authors:Wei Lingyun  Zhao Mei  Wu Guangming  Meng Guang
Affiliation:(1) State Key Lab of Vibration, Shock and Noise, Jiaotong University, Shanghai, 200030, P. R. China;(2) Present address: School of Computer and Information Engineering, Guangxi University, Nanning, 530004, P. R. China
Truss optimization on shape and sizing with frequency constraints are highly nonlinear dynamic optimization problems. Coupling of two different types of design variables, nodal coordinates and cross-sectional areas, often lead to divergence while multiple frequency constraints often cause difficult dynamic sensitivity analysis. So optimal criteria method and mathematical programming, which need complex dynamic sensitivity and are easily trapped into the local optima, are difficult to solve the problems. To solve the truss shape and sizing optimization simply and effectively, a Niche Hybrid Genetic Algorithm (NHGA) is proposed. The objective of NHGA is to enhance the exploitation capacities while preventing the premature convergence simultaneously based on the new hybrid architecture. Niche techniques and adaptive parameter adjustment are used to maintain population diversity for preventing the premature convergence while simplex search is used to enhance the local search capacities of GAs. The proposed algorithm effectively alleviates premature convergence and improves weak exploitation capacities of GAs. Several typical truss optimization examples are employed to demonstrate the validity, availability and reliability of NHGA for solving shape and sizing optimization of trusses with multiple frequency constraints.
Keywords:Truss optimization  Genetic algorithm  Frequency constraints
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