aGraduate School of Science and Engineering, Saga University, 1 Honjomachi, Saga-shi 840-8502, Japan
bDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, Saga University, 1 Honjomachi, Saga-shi 840-8502, Japan
Cross-sectional liquid flow rate distribution of vapour liquid two phase flow of R123 in different herringbone microfin tubes has been measured. Droplet and liquid film flow rates are calculated with the measured data and assumptions for droplet distribution and slip ratio. Heat transfer coefficients of evaporation and condensation in herringbone microfin tubes have been measured using R22. Heat transfer enhancement mechanism by the herringbone microfins is discussed by using the measured data and numerically obtained cross-sectional flow field of a single phase flow. Flow rate of thin liquid film flowing on tube sides is affected by the helix angle and fin height. Larger helix angle and higher fin give thinner film. Liquid film flow rates in tube top and bottom are higher than tube sides. Droplet flow rate is increased with increase of helix angle and fin height, although the effect of fin height is not as pronounced as helix angle. Droplet radial mass velocity to tube side walls is increased with helix angle.