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引用本文:刘锡明,吴志芳,谈春明,张颜民. 用于γ辐射成像系统的60Co源容器的设计[J]. 同位素, 2012, 25(3): 179-181. DOI: 10.7538/tws.2012.25.03.0179
作者姓名:刘锡明  吴志芳  谈春明  张颜民
作者单位:清华大学 核能与新能源技术研究院, 北京 100084
摘    要:
放射性同位素是辐射成像中常用的射线源,具有输出射线强度稳定、空间分布均匀恒定、操作维护简便、射线能量较单一、节能等优点,但是也存在防护和安全方面的问题,因此设计和开发功能完善、防护适当、安全可靠的放射源工作及储存容器十分重要。在60Co高精度工业CT系统中,依据相关国家标准,采用特殊的结构、屏蔽及安全设计,制作了60Co射线源的工作及储存容器。经实际测量,距容器表面5 cm和1 m处空气吸收剂量率分别为170 μGy/h和5 μGy/h。该容器功能完善、操作便利、结构坚固,具有多重安全设计,很好地满足了系统的检测要求,保障了人员的辐照安全。

关 键 词:60Co  γ辐射成像  放射源容器

The Design of 60Co Container for Gamma Ray Radiography System
LIU Xi-ming,WU Zhi-fang,TAN Chun-ming,ZHANG Yan-min. The Design of 60Co Container for Gamma Ray Radiography System[J]. Isotopes, 2012, 25(3): 179-181. DOI: 10.7538/tws.2012.25.03.0179
Authors:LIU Xi-ming  WU Zhi-fang  TAN Chun-ming  ZHANG Yan-min
Affiliation:Institute of Nuclear and New Energy Technology, Tsinghua University, 100084, China
Radioactive isotopes are frequently used in radiography systems as they have many advantages for imaging. For example, the intensity and spatial distribution of the gamma ray emitted are stable. The energy of gamma photons is fairly identical for most frequently used isotopes. The operation and maintenance are easy and require less energy. However, they are difficulties in their application in therms of radiation protection and safety. To solve this problem, it's very important to develop a fully functional, properly radiation pro- tected, safe and reliable working and storage container for the radioactive source. In the 60Co high-precision industrial CT system, based on the corresponding national standards, the 60C0 working and storage container was successfully developed by specific design of structure, shielding and security. The air absorbed dose rate was 170 μGy/h at 5 cm dis- tance from the container surface and 5 μGy/h at 1 m distance according to actual measure ments. The container has full function, easy operation, robust construction and multiple safety measures. It meets requirements of the system and ensures operator's safety very well.
Keywords:60Co  gamma radiography  radioactive source container
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