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引用本文:曲明成,廖明宏,吴翔虎,刘志强. 一种文档自动生成模型的构建及其应用[J]. 计算机集成制造系统, 2008, 14(7)
作者姓名:曲明成  廖明宏  吴翔虎  刘志强
摘    要:针对企业在编辑数据汇总文档(Word格式)时因手动计算、人工校验造成效率低下且容易出错等问题,通过分析数据汇总文档的特点及其所包含的基本数据类型,提出了一个文档自动生成数学模型.该模型对文档生成过程中一些必要的操作及文档模板进行了定义,并应用模型经过迭代计算,将文档模板转化为特定日期的数据汇总文档.该模型已应用于某发电厂的经营决策文档自动生成系统,并成功地集成于工作流系统中.应用实验表明,该模型是可行且有效的.

关 键 词:文档自动生成  数学模型  数据分析  工作流  发电厂  系统集成

Construction of an automatic document generation model and its application
QU Ming-cheng,LIAO Ming-hong,WU Xiang-hu,LIU Zhi-qiang. Construction of an automatic document generation model and its application[J]. Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems, 2008, 14(7)
Authors:QU Ming-cheng  LIAO Ming-hong  WU Xiang-hu  LIU Zhi-qiang
Affiliation:QU Ming-cheng,LIAO Ming-hong,WU Xiang-hu,LIU Zhi-qiang(School of Computer Science & Technology,Harbin Institute of Technology,Harbin 150001,China)
Abstract:To solve the problem of low efficiency,frequently occurred mistakes,and the necessity of manual calculation and validation in the compilation of data-gather documents(Word format) in enterprises,a mathematic model to automatically generate document was put forward by analyzing the characteristics and basic data types of the documents.This model defined essential operations and document template in the process of document construction.Furthermore,the applied model translated the document template into data-g...
Keywords:document auto-building  mathematie model  data analysis  work-flow  power plant  system integration  
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