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Sectional model test study on vortex-excited resonance of vehicle-bridge system of Shanghai Bridge over Yangtse River
Authors:Li Zhou and Yaojun Ge
Affiliation:(1) China Railway Shanghai Design Institute Group Co. Ltd., Shanghai, 200070, China;(2) State Key Laboratory for Disaster Reduction in Civil Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai, 200092, China
It is necessary to study how vehicles influence the vortex-excited resonance of vehicle-bridge systems, because lock-in wind speed is low and vortex-excited resonance is sensitive to any change in the main girder sections. Based on the Shanghai Bridge over the Yangtse River, the vortex-excited resonance of a 1:60 scale sectional model was tested in a TJ-1wind tunnel, with or without vehicles at the attack angle of 0°, + 3 and − 3°, respectively. The conversion relationships between the resonant amplitudes of the sectional model and that of the prototype bridge were also established by mode shape correction. The result indicates that: 1) for the bridge with vehicles, the vertical vortex-excited resonance is accompanied by torsion vibration with the same frequency, and vice versa, 2) the amplitude of vortex-excited resonance of the bridge with vehicles is much larger than that of the bridge without vehicles, and 3) the lock-in wind speed of the vortex-excited resonance becomes smaller due to the disturbance of vehicles. It is obvious that vehicles bring about changes in the aerodynamic shape of the main girder. Therefore, the influence of vehicles on vortex-excited resonance performance of vehicle-bridge systems, in terms of both amplitude and mode, should not be ignored. __________ Translated from China Civil Engineering Journal, 2007, 40(8): 61–66 [译自: 土木工程学报]
Keywords:vehicle-bridge system  sectional mode  vortex-excited resonance  wind tunnel test  mode shape correction
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