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引用本文:方铖. 一种改进的折半查找算法[J]. 现代电子技术, 2008, 31(5): 163-164
摘    要:针对查找范围变化很大而又相对稳定的查找对象,给出了一种改进的基于区间控制的折半查找算法,当后一个查找对象在前一个查找对象附近时,在最坏状态和平均状态下,该算法与传统的标准折半查找算法相比,其查找长度显著减少,查找速度快,当父表很大而子表相对很小时,存储上仅需增加一个额外的存储单元,实现代价很小。此算法适用于过程控制中的实时查找处理,有一定的实用价值。

关 键 词:折半查找  查找长度  区间控制  过程控制

A Binary Search Based on Range Restaint
FANG Cheng. A Binary Search Based on Range Restaint[J]. Modern Electronic Technique, 2008, 31(5): 163-164
Authors:FANG Cheng
Abstract:Aiming at stable search object,a modified binary search algorithm is given in this paper.When the ordered list is long and the item to be accessed is near the prior one,the new algorithm with very little cost gives much less path length than the old one under the worst condition and the average condition.This algorithm is useful for real-time searching in the area of process contro1.
Keywords:binary search  search lenth  range restraint  process control
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