Abstract: | Quantitative X-ray microanalysis in the analytical electron microscope involves the use of Cliff-Lorimer kAB factors to relate measured X-ray intensities from elements A and B to their composition. This study has generated a wide range of these factors for both K and L X-ray lines. The values of the k factor for each element is ratioed to Fe, rather than to Si as has been common practice to date. The use of kAFe rather than kASi factors reduces the uncertainty in the values due to variations in the efficiency of individual energy dispersive spectrometers, thus making the values more universally applicable. New calculations of the value of kAFe have been made from first principles, encompassing all of the most recent values of the cross-section for X-ray ionization. Comparison of the experimental results with both the calculations and existing k factor data has been made. Close attention has been paid to minimizing the errors in both the experimental and theoretical calculations to reduce the overall error in quantification of X-ray energy dispersive spectra in the analytical electron microscope. |