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鄂北岗地近54 年来干湿指数变化
引用本文:李新尧,孙小舟. 鄂北岗地近54 年来干湿指数变化[J]. 南水北调与水利科技(中英文), 2015, 13(5): 853-857
作者姓名:李新尧  孙小舟
作者单位:( 1. 湖北文理学院, 湖北襄阳441053 2. 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所, 北京100101)
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目( 41101544) ; 湖北省高等学校优秀中青年创新团队项目( T 201314)
摘    要:选取鄂北岗地及其附近8个气象站点1960年-2013年逐日的气象观测数据,采用FAO推荐的PenmanMontecito模型计算该地区参考作物蒸散量和干湿指数,在此基础上利用Mann-Kendall突变检验、Morlet小波分析等方法分析了干湿指数的变化趋势和总体特征。结果显示:1960年-2013年鄂北岗地干湿指数呈波动上升趋势,其变化速率为0.038/(10a),干湿状况有所改善;夏季干湿指数最大,春秋次之,冬季干湿指数最小;1980年-1981年期间,干湿指数发生了一次由低到高的突变;干湿指数变化过程主要存在3~6a、8~15a和17~25a等3类尺度的周期变化规律,而13a左右的周期变化是干湿变化的主周期;干湿指数与相对湿度和降水量成正相关,与气温、风速、日照时间成负相关,而降水量是导致干湿指数变化的主导因素。

关 键 词:鄂北岗地  参考作物蒸散量  降水量  干湿指数

Variation tendency of dry2wet index in Hillock Area of northern Hubei in the recent 54 years
LI Xinyao,SUN Xiaozhou. Variation tendency of dry2wet index in Hillock Area of northern Hubei in the recent 54 years[J]. South-to-North Water Transfers and Water Science & Technology, 2015, 13(5): 853-857
Authors:LI Xinyao  SUN Xiaozhou
Affiliation:( 1. H ubei Univ er sity of A r ts and S cience. X iangy ang 441053, China;2. I nstitute of geogr ap hical science and r esour ces , CAS . Beij ing 100101, China)
Abstract:Based on the daily meteor olog ical data of eig ht w eather stat ions in H illock Ar ea o f nor thern H ubei fr om 1960 to 2013,the v alues of refer ence cro p evapot ranspiratio n and dr y2w et index w ere calculated using t he Penman2Montecito equatio n r ecom2mended by the FAO, and the v ariat ion tendency and g ener al char act eristics o f dry2wet index w ere analyzed by the methods ofMann2Kendall test and Morlet wavelets analysis. The r esults indicated that ( 1) the dry2wet index has incr eased slow ly with a rate of01 038/ 10a from 1960 to 2013, and the dry2w et condition has been improved to some extent; ( 2) the dry2wet index is the highest in sum2mer, fo llowed by spring and autumn, and the low est in winter; ( 3) the dry2wet index has an abrupt chang e from 1980 to 1981; ( 4) thedry2w et index has three periodicities of 3~ 6 years, 8~ 15 years, and 17~ 25 years, and the primary perio dicity is 13 year s; and ( 5) thedr y2w et index has posit ive cor relation w ith relativ e humidity and precipitat ion, and negative cor relation w ith t emperat ur e, w indspeed, and sunshine time, and pr ecipitation is the dominant fact or t o cause the var iatio n o f dr y2w et index .
Keywords:H illo ck ar ea of nor ther n Hubei   r eference cro p ev apo transpiration   precipitat ion   dry2wet index
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