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基金项目:河南省软科学研究计划项目( 132400410462)
摘    要:选择10项指标,采用主成份分析法对河南省水资源承载能力进行了定量评价,结果表明,河南省水资源承载力的主要影响因素是人口与经济、城市发展和水资源开发利用,特别是国内生产总值、固定资产值和总人口对水资源承载力的影响最大;对比不同城市,济源市、三门峡市、鹤壁市、驻马店市和漯河市等具有较强的水资源承载能力,而郑州市、洛阳市、新乡市和许昌市等则承受着较大的水资源压力。

关 键 词:河南省  水资源承载力  主成分分析法

Assessment of water resources carrying capacity in Henan Province
Authors:DU H ua-min
Affiliation:F inance Dep ar tment, Zhongz hou Univer sity , Zhengz hou 450044, China
Abstract:The principal component analy sis w as used to ev aluate the car ry ing capacity of water resources in H enan Prov ince quantitativ ely w ith ten selected index es. The results show ed that the ma in factor s affecting the carr ying capacity of wat er re2 sour ces in H enan Pr ov ince ar e population and eco nomy, ur ban dev elo pment, and w ater resources utilizatio n. In par ticular , GDP, fix ed asset values, and the total po pulat ion hav e the gr eatest im pacts o n the car ry ing capacity of wat er resources. Mo reov er, Jiyuan Cit y, Sanmenx ia City, H ebi City, Zhumadian City , and Luohe City have stro ng er carr ying capacity of w ater resour ces, whereas Zheng zho u Cit y, Luoy ang City, Xinx iang Cit y, and Xuchang City suffer gr eater pressur e on water resources.
Keywords:H enan Pro vince  w ater r eso ur ces car ry ing capacity  pr incipa l component analysis
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