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作者姓名:胡炜  管素侠
摘    要:丰县是江苏省水资源量最少的县份之一。为解决工农业生产发展用水瓶颈问题,经过多年持续不断的水利建设,已形成了开采地下水、拦蓄地面水、调引外来水"三水并用"的工程体系,为全县经济社会发展提供了重要的水利支撑和保障。但随着工业化、城市化的快速推进,丰县水资源、水环境压力越来越大,水量少、水污染、水资源时空分布不均及与生产力布局不相匹配的水情日益显现,根据这一现状,结合全县水资源开发利用配置规划方案,提出了进一步加强水资源管理工作的建议。

关 键 词:水利  水资源  开发利用  思路  对策建议

Development and Application of Alarm System of Telemetering Abnormal Information Based on SMS
Affiliation:ZHANG Yutian,WU Lulu,ZHANG Caiyun (TaizhouHydrology and Water Resources Survey Bureau of Jiangsu Province,Taizhou 225300,Jiangsu)
Abstract:Data collection of hydrological information has being realized automation gradually,and management requirements of it are also getting higher and higher. After the rationality analysis of the auto-collected hydrologit:al informatio~l,tlle problem is how to send abnormal situations immediately,so that the maintainers call take measures in the first place and ensure the telemetry system's proper nmning. Combined with SMS,ORACAL datahase and VB,the anomaly of the water level, rainfall,channel will he send to tile maintainers by SMS. The telemetry system can be maintained in time. This can provide timely let'hnieal support of hydrology for the flood control and drought relief.
Keywords:SMS  alarm system  telemetry  almormal information
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