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Enterprise computing with Jini technology
Authors:Stang  M Whinston  S
Affiliation:Xor Inc., Boulder, CO;
Abstract:You may think of Jini technology from Sun Microsystems as software for networking embedded systems-machines that contain a microprocessor and do a specific task. But more specifically, Jini software gives network devices self-configuration and self-management capabilities; it lets devices communicate immediately on a network without human intervention. These networks are also self-healing in that devices that leave the network for any reason (machine crashes or power surges, for example) do not affect the remaining devices' operation. A Jini client that loses contact with a server can recover and continue processing. Although it is precisely these advantages that make Jini technology attractive for embedded systems, why stop there? Network plug-and-play capabilities and self-configuration are also attractive for enterprise computing. Java, for example, was initially designed for embedded devices. But that hasn't stopped it from becoming a major force in enterprise computing. Does Java drive your Web server or backend application? At many companies, it does-not a bad accomplishment for an embedded system language. We contend that Jini technology's true promise lies in enterprise computing because it has unique abilities that extend beyond plug-and-play network connectivity
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