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摘    要:随着互联网的飞速发展网络在人们的生活中扮演着越来越重要的角色,尽管人们使用互联网的目的多种多样,但通过互联网进行人际交往是主要目的之一。互联网的出现极大地改变了人类社会交往的形态,并很快成为人际交往的重要平台。人与人之间心灵上的距离拉近了,也正是由于这种便利,给那些不法分子带来了可乘之机。利用在线聊天进行网络犯罪的案例越来越多,犯罪分子所用的心理上的战术可谓是高招百出,让人防不胜防。因此针对客户的聊天信息进行分析识别的理想方法尤为重要。本文提出了隐语识别、毒语识别、热语识别、恐怖语识别、走私语识别、人贩子语言识别、黄语识别与群类型识别的基本方法,依据基本识别方法建立客户行为定性分析的评价模型,提出了客户行为距离计算方法,为聊天室信息内容识别监控系统及互联网计算机犯罪的预警系统提供了支持基础。

关 键 词:网络犯罪隐语  人之间行为距离  客户行为距离

chat room Client actions distance calculation method
Qu Zengtang Liaoning Police Academy,Liaoning,China.chat room Client actions distance calculation method[J].Net Security Technologies and Application,2011(11):60-63.
Authors:Qu Zengtang Liaoning Police Academy  Liaoning    China
Affiliation:Qu Zengtang Liaoning Police Academy,Liaoning,116036,China
Abstract:With the rapid development of Internet networks in people's lives play an increasingly important role,although the purpose of a variety of people use the Internet,but through the Internet,interpersonal communication is one of the main purpose.Internet has greatly changed the shape of human social interaction,and soon became an important platform for interpersonal communication.The distance between people closer to the soul,it is precisely because of this convenience,to bring those criminals the opportunity.The use of online chat for more and more cases of cyber crime,criminals used psychological tactics can be described as brilliant idea one hundred,people keep track.Therefore,the information for the analysis of chat clients identify the ideal method is particularly important.This paper presents a metaphor recognition,language recognition poison,hot language recognition,language recognition terrorism,smuggling,language recognition,speech recognition traffickers,yellow type of language recognition and group identification of the basic method,the basic identification method based on qualitative analysis of Client actions to establish the evaluation model,Established the Client Actions Distance,Content identification information for the chat room monitoring system and Internet computer crime early warning system provides a base of support.
Keywords:cyber crime argot  People Actions Distance  Client Actions Distance
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