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引用本文:周坤. 基于Voronoi图和复合泊松过程的WSN覆盖算法设计[J]. 工业控制计算机, 2014, 0(8): 78-81
摘    要:设计了一种基于Voronoi图和复合泊松过程的分布式算法。利用Voronoi图的性质,传感器节点能够同时进行冗余判定和感知半径调节来消除覆盖冗余;利用休眠节点的复合泊松探测过程,能够及时发现工作节点的失效并弥补网络的覆盖漏洞,使网络由单纯的完成监测任务变为动态调整拓扑以适应环境变化。仿真结果表明网络能准确调度节点状态,并且对工作节点失效具有很好的鲁棒性。

关 键 词:无线传感器网络  覆盖控制  Voronoi图  感知半径可调  复合泊松过程

WSN Coverage AIgorithm Based on Voronoi Diagram and Compound Possion Process
Abstract:An aIgorithm based on Voronoi diagram and compound Possion process is designed by this paper.To eIiminate cover-age redundancy,sensors can simuItaneousIy judge its redundancy and adjust its sensing ranges with the properties of Voronoi diagram.To compensate coverage hoIes caused by the faiIure of working nodes,the detection behavior of dormant sensors constitudes a compound possion process.Thus,WSN not onIy can monitor the target area,but aIso can adjust its topoIogy dynamicaI y to adapt to the environmentaI changes.
Keywords:WireIess sensor network  Coverage controI  Voronoi diagram  AdjustabIe sensing range  Compound passion
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