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Correcting for the influence of frozen lakes in satellite microwave radiometer observations through application of a microwave emission model
Authors:Juha Lemmetyinen,Anna Kontu,Juho Vehvilä  inen,Jouni Pulliainen
  • a Finnish Meteorological Institute, Arctic Research, Erik Palménin aukio 1, 00560 Helsinki, Finland
  • b Finnish Environment Institute, Mechelininkatu 34a, 00251 Helsinki, Finland
  • Abstract:The spatial resolution of passive microwave observations from space is of the order of tens of kilometers with currently available instruments, such as the Special Sensor Microwave/Imager (SSM/I) and Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer (AMSR-E). The large field of view of these instruments dictates that the observed brightness temperature can originate from heterogeneous land cover, with different vegetation and surface properties.In this study, we assess the influence of freshwater lakes on the observed brightness temperature of AMSR-E in winter conditions. The study focuses on the geographic region of Finland, where lakes account for 10% of the total terrestrial area. We present a method to mitigate for the influence of lakes through forward modeling of snow covered lakes, as a part of a microwave emission simulation scheme of space-borne observations. We apply a forward model to predict brightness temperatures of snow covered sceneries over several winter seasons, using available data on snow cover, vegetation and lake ice cover to set the forward model input parameters. Comparison of model estimates with space-borne observations shows that the modeling accuracy improves in the majority of examined cases when lakes are accounted for, with respect to the case where lakes are not included in the simulation. Moreover, we present a method for applying the correction to the retrieval of Snow Water Equivalent (SWE) in lake-rich areas, using a numerical inversion method of the forward model. In a comparison to available independent validation data on SWE, also the retrieval accuracy is seen to improve when applying the influence of snow covered lakes in the emission model.
    Keywords:Snow water equivalent   Passive microwave   Lake ice
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