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Distributed robust consensus control in directed networks of agents with time-delay
Authors:Peng Lin   Yingmin Jia  Lin Li  
Affiliation:aThe Seventh Research Division, Beihang University (BUAA), Beijing 100083, PR China
Abstract:This paper investigates consensus problems for directed networks of agents with external disturbances and model uncertainty on fixed and switching topologies. Both networks with and without time-delay are taken into consideration. In doing the analysis, we first perform a model transformation and turn the original system into a reduced-order system. Based on this reduced-order system, we then present conditions under which all agents reach consensus with the desired H performance. Finally, simulation results are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of our theoretical results.
Keywords:Consensus   Time-delay     mml11"  >  text-decoration:none   color:black"   href="  /science?_ob=MathURL&_method=retrieve&_udi=B6V4X-4S1BWW3-1&_mathId=mml11&_user=10&_cdi=5770&_rdoc=8&_acct=C000069468&_version=1&_userid=6189383&md5=2163ec934ea83bd00052e385bbd29d5c"   title="  Click to view the MathML source"   alt="  Click to view the MathML source"  >H   control   Directed graph   Switching topology   Multi-agent systems
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