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摘    要:上海青浦浦仓路人行桥,是西班牙建筑师白德龙在中国的第一项目。从2004年到2008年,项目从草图到竣工经历了4年之久。这4年,年轻的设计团队由初出茅庐而变得成熟稳健,当初被很多人认为“不可能实现”的项目也最终变成了现实。建筑师白德龙说:“相比设计一座桥,我更愿意将项目的意义上升至一个更广阔的高度,即:孩子们玩耍、嬉戏的乐园,是阳光的容器,是光影交迭的风景,是鱼跃水面的隐喻,是恋人的互诉衷肠,是点亮梦想的明灯……”

关 键 词:人行桥  建筑师  上海青  西班牙  设计  乐园  阳光  光影

Qingpu Pucang Footbridge This is not A Bridge
Xu Qi.Qingpu Pucang Footbridge This is not A Bridge[J].Design Trends,2009(2):82-87.
Authors:Xu Qi
Abstract:Qingpu Pucang footbridge is the first project by Spanish architect Pedro Pablo Arroyo Alba. Many people have said that the project was impossible to be realized, but now you are able to visit it. The project is finished on October 1st of 2008, almost four years after the first sketch. Pedro Pablo Arroyo Alba believes that this bridge is not a bridge. Because other dimensions of the project are more important than strictly the engineering ones. It is more a playground for children, a house for the sun, a landscape of shadows, a fish jumping the river, a balcony for lovers, a lamp that illuminates dreams
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