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作者姓名:瞿红春  黄远强  张兴川
摘    要:为充分挖掘QAR数据中所包含的大量原始监控数据,检验ACARS报文的可靠性,更好地协助航空公司进行飞机和发动机的状态监控及故障诊断,对发动机稳态报文DFD的报文结构进行了解析研究,提出了一种从QAR数据中提取满足触发条件的DFD报文的研究思路和方法,以丰富发动机性能监控的信息量。通过对B747-400飞机实际ACARS报文数据和所提取的报文数据进行计算分析,验证了该方法的可靠性,具有良好的工程应用前景。

关 键 词:QAR  数据挖掘  ACARS报文解析  发动机稳态巡航报文  DFD  报文结构  波音747-400

The research on engine stable frame report parsing of Boeing 747-400 by QAR data
Abstract:In order to fully tap the vast amount of the raw monitoring data in QAR, verify the reliability of ACARS messages and further assist the research in condition monitoring and fault diagnosis of aircraft and engine, the structure of the engine stable frame report has been researched and a method about extracting DFD report from its QAR data to meet the triggering conditions has been proposed, which have greatly enriched the engine performance monitoring data. The reliability of the method has been verified through computational analyzing both the actual ACARS reports and the extracted data of a B747-400 airplane. The result shows that this method has great prospects in engineering application.
Keywords:QAR data mining  ACARS report parsing  Engine stable frame report  DFD report structure  Boeing 747-400
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