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作者单位:1 故宫博物院 副研究馆员
摘    要:“三宫殿三所殿”1] 为紫禁城外西路的一组建筑 , 为东西向的三宫殿和南北向的三所殿整体形成 L 型建筑区域。本文在对三宫殿三所殿区域保护修缮所得测绘数据的基础上,结合遗迹考证以及文献、图像资料,对该区域始建至今的建筑布局与功用进行了考证。明永乐朝时该区域为仁寿宫;嘉靖朝兴建慈宁宫,该区域彼时为慈宁宫附宫区建筑。清初三宫三所殿建筑布局及其功能袭明旧制;清雍正末年,康熙继位之初,兴建寿康宫,并对该区域建筑布局和形制进行更改,直至清末该区域作为寿康宫附属建筑,为太后妃居所。中华民国至 2018 年工程管理处开始对该区域进行保护修缮之前,该区域的建筑布局仍未做大的改变,先后被作为故宫博物院古物馆和文物修复厂使用。

关 键 词:三宫殿  三所殿  沿革  保护修缮  建筑布局  功能

Historical analysis of the reconstruction and conservation of 'the Three Ancillary Palace and The Three Ancillary Abodes' in the Forbidden City
Abstract:The Three Ancillary Palaces and the Three Ancillary Abodes of the Forbidden City are located on Outside West Road of the Forbidden City. The three ancillary palaces in the east-west direction and the three ancillary abodes in the north-south direction form an L-shaped architectural area as a whole. Based on the surveying and mapping data, relic researching and literature review conducted by the Engineering Management Office for the protection and repair of the Three Ancillary Palaces and the Three Ancillary Abodes of the Forbidden City, have sorted out the architectural layout and functions since it started built. During the Yongle of the Ming Dynasty, there were attached to the Renshou Palace; during the Jiajing of the Ming Dynasty, the Cining Palace was built. They were attached to the Cining Palace. In the early Qing Dynasty, its architectural layout and functions followed the old system of the Ming Dynasty; at the turn of Yongzheng and Qianlong, the Shoukang Palace was built, the architectural layout and shape of this area were reconstructed. Until the end of the Qing Dynasty, the area was used as annexes of the Shoukang Palace and served as the residence of the concubines. From the Republic of China to 2018, before the Project Management Office began to protect and repair the area, the architectural layout of the area has not been greatly changed. During this period, the Three Ancillary Palaces and the Three Ancillary Abodes were used as the Antiquities Museum and the Cultural Relics Restoration Factory of the Palace Museum.
Keywords:Three Ancillary Palaces  Three Ancillary Abodes  History  Protection and Repair  Architectural layout  Function
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