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作者单位:中国石油化工集团有限公司, 北京 100728
摘    要:勘探家是油气勘探工作的组织者、管理者和油气勘探活动的实践者,也是掌握石油地质学及相关学科理论、熟悉勘探技术、灵活应用勘探方法、精通勘探管理的专门人才,既是业务专家,也是管理专家。成功的勘探家首先是要坚定找到油气的信心,具有“不盲从,不附和”的科学精神,并时刻保持思维的敏感性。勘探工作没有捷径,首先是要解决勘探的基础问题;其次是要坚持科学的勘探程序;再者是要有发展的意识、效益的意识、动态优化的意识,突出重点,持续优化勘探部署,确保完成勘探任务。要实现高质量勘探,思维方式要从传统的“以产量论英雄”思维向“以效益论英雄”思维转变,做好顶层设计,实现投资、效益和责任三统一,进一步完善与建立勘探部署比选机制和两级决策的管理新机制,坚决做到“五大转变”。随着地球物理勘探技术与钻、完井技术的迅猛发展,当前全球油气勘探正经历着深刻变化,并不断向更细、更深、更广、更难、更具挑战的领域发展。我国东部断陷盆地、海相碳酸盐岩、中西部碎屑岩、页岩气将是油气增储上产的主要领域。随着理论和技术的进步,煤层气、页岩油、油页岩等也是需要攻关和培育的重要领域。未来,随着非常规油气理论快速发展,对石油天然气地质基础理论体系不断拓展与完善,在新一代勘探开发智能化技术体系支撑下,将形成含油气盆地常规—非常规整体评价、多层系立体勘探的格局,并将带来新一轮油气储量、产量增长。 

关 键 词:油气发现    勘探技术    勘探家    中国

There is no shortcut to find oil: some thoughts on oil and gas exploration
Affiliation:SINOPEC Group, Beijing 100728, China
Abstract:Explorers are the organizers, managers and practitioners of oil and gas exploration activities. They are also professionals who master petroleum geology and related disciplines, are familiar with exploration techniques, apply exploration methods flexibly, and are proficient in exploration management. So, they are both business and management experts. Successful explorers must first have a firm confidence in finding oil and gas, have a scientific spirit that does not blindly follow or agree, and always maintain a sensitivity of thinking. There are no shortcuts to exploration. First, we should solve the basic problems of exploration; second, we should adhere to scientific exploration procedures; third, we should have the awareness of development, efficiency, and dynamic optimization. We should highlight key points, and continue to optimize exploration deployment so as to ensure the completion of the exploration mission. To achieve high-quality exploration, the way of thinking should be changed from the traditional thinking of “heroes based on output” to that of “heroes based on benefits”. The top-level design should be done to achieve the integration of investment, benefits and responsibilities, and further improve and establish the exploration deployment comparison and selection mechanisms and a new two-level decision-making management so as to achieve the “five major changes”. With the rapid development of geophysical exploration technology and drilling and completion technology, current global oil and gas exploration is undergoing profound changes, and it is constantly developing into more detailed, deeper, broader, more difficult and more challenging fields. The faulted basins in East China, marine carbonate rocks, clastic rocks in Central and West China and shale gas will be the main areas for increasing oil and gas reserves and production. With advances in theory and technology, coalbed methane, shale oil, and oil shale are also important areas that need to be tackled and cultivated. In the future, with the rapid development of unconventional oil and gas theories, the basic system of oil and gas geology will continue to expand and improve. With the support of a new generation of intelligent technology systems for exploration and development, a conventional-unconventional overall evaluation and multi-layer exploration system of petroliferous basins will be formed, which will bring a new round of growth in oil and gas reserves and production. 
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