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引用本文:李文寿. 用气相色谱/热能分析仪同时测定挥发性亚硝胺和烟草特有亚硝胺[J]. 中国烟草学报, 1999, 5(1): 12-19
作者单位:韩国人参烟草研究院 韩国 大田
摘    要:N-亚硝胺很容易在食品、饮料、化妆品、药物、卷烟烟气、各种消费品、甚至在人的胃中形成,已经发现有许多亚硝胺具有致癌性。本项研究开发了一种用气相色谱/热能分析仪同时测定烟草和烟气中的挥发性亚硝胺(VNA)和烟草特有亚硝胺(TSNA)的方法。文章详细介绍了从烟草中萃取亚硝胺的实验条件,讨论了从主流烟气和支流烟气中收集亚硝胺的方法。采用本方法,可在同一张GC/TEA色谱图上分离得到烟草中所有的13种亚硝胺。该方法具有灵敏度和准确度高,重复性好的特点。另外,文中还讨论了添加同位素硝酸盐和烟碱对主流烟气中TSNA含量的影响。此方法也可用于尿液和环境烟气中VNA和TSNA的分析。实验发现吸烟者与非吸烟者尿液中VNA的浓度差异很小,而TSNA的浓度很低,几乎可以忽略。室内空气中的VNA浓度为1~8ng/m,TSNA浓度太低,几乎检测不到。这一结果提示,环境烟气与癌症的关系应当重新考虑。 

关 键 词:气相色谱/热能分析法   亚硝胺   主流烟气   支流烟气   环境烟气

Simultaneous Determination of VNA and TSNA by GC/TEA
Affiliation:Korea Ginseng & Tobacco Reserach Institute, Taejon, Korea
Abstract:N|nitrosoamine can be easily formed in air, food, beverage, cosmotic, drug, cigarette smoke and many consumer products, even in human stomach. Many of them have been found to be carcinogenic. In this study, a method of simultaneus determination of volatile nitrosomine (VNA) and tobacco specific nitrosoamine (TSNA) in tobacco and tobacco smoke was developed by Gas Chromatography Thermal Enegry Analysis (GC/TEA). The extraction conditions of nitrosoamine from tobacco and tobacco smoke were introduced in detail. The mothod of collecting VNA and TSNA both from mainstream smoke and sidestream smoke was discussed. It was shown that all of the 13 nitrosoamines in tobacco could be separated by GC/TEA on the one baseline. This GC/TEA method has high sensitivity and accunacy as well as good repeatibility. Meanwhile, the influence of nitrate and nicotine spiked on the TSNA in main stream smoke was also discussed.;This method can also be applied to determine the VNA and TSNA in human urine and environm
Keywords:GC/TEA method Determination Nitrosoamine VNA TSNA Tobacco Mainstream smoke Sidestream smoke ETS ent tobacco smoke. It is found that there is little difference between smoker's urine and nonsmoker's urine in concentration of VNA   and the co  
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