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摘    要:采用压力-重量-流量的测量,转换和控制方法,应用微机技术,用单位重量按设定流量能达2kg/h,用该原理研制成的《烟丝加香装置》适用于多种牌号更换的制丝生产线,模糊控制替代了常规的PID调节,使系统具有控制精度高,响应速度快,过度过程时间短等特点。二年多现场使用证实,该装置操作方便,性能优良,喷头长期运行不会堵塞且香料雾化好,故障率极低,卷烟的内在吸味质量大大提高,业已通过科技成果水平检索、性能测试和技术成果鉴定,也可推广应用于食品、医药、化工等微流量添加剂系统中。 

An Intellegent Unit for Tobacco Flavoring
Affiliation:Shanghai Cigarette Factory
Abstract:The principle of this unit is based on the pressure-weight transformation, and regulation of the flow rate by microproccessor.Liquid uniformly decreases per unit weight in accordance with preset flow(Q) and time (T).There is no influence by different specific gravity of the liquid.The minimum flow rate control can be set to 2 kg per hour.The unit is applicable in production lines in which various brands of cigarette to be manufactured.As the blurring regulation system is used to instead of the traditional PID regulator, it has the features of high precision, quick response and shorter transit time.In two years running in Shanghai cigarette Factory, it has been proved the unit is performed well.The performance and technical characteristics of the unit have been appraised by the authorities concerned. 
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