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摘    要:在2000年以后发生的对全球以及中国影响较大的疫情中,选取SARS、甲型H1N1流感、西非埃博拉病毒、巴西寨卡病毒、H7N9禽流感五大疫情,分析这五大疫情中的溶解浆市场走势,提炼出重大疫情对溶解浆市场影响的要素。至本文截稿时止,由于新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情尚未出现拐点,故评论本次疫情对溶解浆市场的影响为时尚早。但可以从历史上发生过的疫情,找出与本次新型冠状病毒肺炎相似的疫情对溶解浆行业的影响,以作为本次疫情没有结束前的参考。

关 键 词:埃博拉病毒  甲型H1N1流感  溶解浆  重大疫情  寨卡病毒  市场走势

Impact and evaluation of past epidemics on dissolving pulp market from 2000 to 2020
Abstract:Among the epidemics having had large impact on the world and China after 2000, five major epidemics can be selected to analyze their impact on dissolving pulp market, including SARS, H1 N1 influenza, Ebola virus in West Africa, Zika virus in Brazil, and H7 N9 bird flu. Based on the analysis, we can know major epidemics’ influence on dissolving pulp market.As of the time of writing, it is too ea rly to comment on the impact of Covid-19 on the dissolving pulp market as the inflection point of this epidemic has not yet appeared. However, from the epidemics that have occurred before, the impact of the epidemic similar to Covid-19 on the dissolving pulp industry can be found as a reference before the end of the coronavirus.
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