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大力发展循环经济 建设资源节约型环境友好型社会
引用本文:周宏春.大力发展循环经济 建设资源节约型环境友好型社会[J].中国食品工业,2006(11):20-22.
摘    要:循环经济是20世纪末期由德国和日本最早提出并加以实践的。上世纪末,这个概念被介绍到中国,近几年来,在环保部门和许多专家学者的大力倡导下,循环经济在中国已经由一个陌生的名词和概念上升为指导国家和地区社会经济发展和环境保护的重要原则和战略,并从内涵和外延上都有很大的发展。可以说,循环经济已成为一个具有中国特色的概念,是提高资源利用效率的一种生产方式,是保护环境的一个有效策略,即经济——资源——环境一体化的发展模式。就目前的理解,循环经济有三个层次,第一个层次是新的发展思路、新的发展理念,第二个层次是新的发展模式,第三个层次是新的产业形态,其根本目的是追求资源的高效利用和循环利用,从而形成“资源——产品——再生资源”的循环式发展模式。令人欣喜的是,循环经济不只存在于理论阶段,从政府到企业,从宏观的政策到微观的技术层面都做了很多有益的尝试,如今年8月在青岛举行的“2006中国国际啤酒饮料节能、环保新技术高峰论坛”就是一个很好的例子,论坛从政府、专家、企业这三方面全方位地讨论了行业该如何生产节能和循环再利用。此次讨论引起了行业的共鸣,这说明,循环经济已经被啤酒行业和更多行业所重视。借着论坛的余热,并以此为契机,本刊将向读者展示各方在推动循环经济方面的取得的成果和经验,希望能被更多从事食品行业人士所了解和关注。

关 键 词:资源节约型  社会经济发展  循环经济  环境友好型  经济建设  中国特色  资源利用效率  专家学者

Developing Recycling Economy, Building Conservation-Minded Society
Abstract:Recycling economy was first put forward and taken into practice by Germany and Japan in 20th century. Recent years, it has been introduced to China and has already become an important principle and strategy in social development and environmental protection. It has been a typical Chinese conception as an effective way to improve the effective use of natural resources. It has been developed an“economy-resources-environment”mode, which composed of three levels, the first is the new developing concept, the second is the new developing mode and the third is the new industrial structure. It is quite exciting that it is not only a concept for generally discussion, and it has been put into practice by both the government and the enterprises, from the macroscopic to the microcosmic. For example, during the period of“2006 China International Beer Beverage Forum”, which is hold about saving energy and environmental protection. Now, it is on the idea of recycling economy that various visions for the 11th Five-year Plan should be built. More researches should be made on this issue. Besides, preparation of master plan for key areas of recycling economy, such as energy saving, water saving, comprehensive use of resources, and recycling of regenerative resources, will proceed faster. Evaluation system, strategic goals and promotion schemes will all be in place.
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