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作者姓名:孙友松  肖阳  史国亮  魏航  黎勉  黄开胜  李优新
摘    要:研制了由直流无刷电机驱动的250kN伺服曲柄压力机试验样机,以直流无刷电机取代普通异步电机,取消了机械飞轮和离合器,驱动电路中配有大电容,以储存和释放电能。对压力机驱动和传动系统进行了理论分析,建立了机电系统的数学模型;根据样机参数进行了数值仿真和实验研究,二者结果十分接近,证明了数学模型的正确性;实验样机可以获得滑块的任意工作曲线,实现工作特性的柔性化;电容器可以起到“电子飞轮”储放能量的作用,在实验条件下,冲裁时电网瞬时峰值电流可减少86.3%。

关 键 词:成形装备  机械压力机  交流伺服电机  数值仿真

Transverse Vibration Characteristics of the Moving Paper Tape in Printing
Abstract:A transverse vibration model of multicolor printing group was established on the assumption that the moving paper tape of web-fed printing press was the rectangular thin film. The differential equations of the moving paper tape was established by regarding restriction on the intermediate printing cylinder as intermediate supporting, which was replaced with constraint reaction of the linear distribution. Then the frequency equation was obtained by Laplace transform method. Finally, the relationship between vibration frequency and velocity of the moving paper tape, and the relationship between vibration frequency and tension of paper tape were analyzed. It provides a theoretical basis for the optimized structural design of printing presses and amendment of the dynamic characteristics of paper tape.
Keywords:moving tape  transverse vibration  intermediate rigid support  dynamic property
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