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摘    要:目前,奥巴马政府和汽车生产商正就新车行驶里程和废气排放标准进行商议。这两项将对未来10年以至于以后美国人驾驶的车辆和汽车行业的健康发展产生深远的影响。这项交易将通过每年减少上百万吨大气排放的方式来减缓全球气候变暖,并在这项计划(奥巴马政府能源策略的基石)的有效期内减少上亿桶的石油进口。

关 键 词:废气排放标准  汽车生产商  美国政府  全球气候变暖  行驶里程  汽车行业  大气排放  石油进口

US Government Plan on Elevate Standards on Auto Exhaust Emission
Abstract:At present, the Aobama's government of USA is negotiating with auto manufactures about standards on auto exhaust emission and driving mileage of new auto. These two issues in the next decade and also to the future will bring far-researching influence on vehicles driving by Americans and the healthy production of auto industry.
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