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In this paper, we study the global robust output regulation problem for a class of multivariable nonlinear systems. The problem is first converted into a stabilization problem of an augmented system composed of the original plant and an internal model. The augmented system is a multi‐input system containing both dynamic uncertainty and time‐varying static uncertainty. By decomposing the multi‐input control problem into several single‐input control problems, we will solve the problem by solving several single‐input control problems via a recursive approach utilizing the changing supply function technique. The theoretical result is applied to the speed tracking control and load torque disturbance rejection problem of a surface‐mounted permanent magnet synchronous motor. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The surface‐mounted permanent‐magnet synchronous motor is a two‐input, two‐output nonlinear system. The multi‐input, multi‐output nature of the system has posed some specific challenges to various control methods. Recently, the robust output regulation problem of the system subject to a known neutrally stable exosystem was studied. The problem came down to a global robust stabilization problem of an augmented system composed of the original plant and an internal model. In this paper, we will further study the robust output regulation problem of the system subject to an unknown neutrally stable exosystem. Like in the case where the exosystem is known, the current problem can be solved by globally stabilizing an augmented system. But unlike in the case where the exosystem is known, the augmented system takes a much more complicated form because of uncertainty in the exosystem than the case where the exosystem is known. In particular, the dynamic uncertainty in the current augmented system contains linearly parameterized uncertainty, and hence is not input‐to‐state stable. By utilizing some dynamic coordinate transformation technique, and combining some robust control and adaptive control techniques, we will solve the problem via a recursive approach. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this article, we consider a speed tracking and load torque disturbance rejection problem of PM synchronous motor by internal model design. The problem is first formulated as a global robust output regulation problem of a special class of multivariable systems. Then the output regulation problem is further converted into a global stabilisation problem of an augmented system composed of the original plant and an internal model. As the augmented system does not take any known special form, we have developed a specific tool to deal with the stabilisation problem. In particular, a generalised changing supply function technique applicable to non-input-to-state stable (ISS) systems is developed. This technique, in conjunction with a particular nonlinear internal model, leads to an effective solution to the problem.  相似文献   

In this paper we propose a new design paradigm, which employs a postprocessing internal model unit, to approach the problem of output regulation for a class of multivariable minimum‐phase nonlinear systems possessing a partial normal form. Contrary to previous approaches, the proposed regulator handles control inputs of dimension larger than the number of regulated variables, provided that a controllability assumption holds, and can employ additional measurements that need not to vanish at the ideal error‐zeroing steady state, but that can be useful for stabilization purposes or to fulfill the minimum‐phase requirement. Conditions for practical and asymptotic output regulation are given, underlying how in postprocessing schemes the design of internal models is necessarily intertwined with that of the stabilizer.  相似文献   

In this paper, we address the problem of output regulation for a broad class of multi‐input multi‐output (MIMO) nonlinear systems. Specifically, we consider input–affine systems, which are invertible and input–output linearizable. This class includes, as a trivial special case, the class of MIMO systems which possess a well‐defined vector relative degree. It is shown that if a system in this class is strongly minimum phase, in a sense specified in the paper, the problem of output regulation can be solved via partial‐state feedback or via (dynamic) output feedback. The result substantially broadens the class of nonlinear MIMO systems for which the problem in question is known to be possible. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This article considers the global robust output regulation problem via output feedback for a class of cascaded nonlinear systems with input-to-state stable inverse dynamics. The system uncertainties depend not only on the measured output but also all the unmeasurable states. By introducing an internal model, the output regulation problem is converted into a stabilisation problem for an appropriately augmented system. The designed dynamic controller could achieve the global asymptotic tracking control for a class of time-varying reference signals for the system output while keeping all other closed-loop signals bounded. It is of interest to note that the developed control approach can be applied to the speed tracking control of the fan speed control system. The simulation results demonstrate its effectiveness.  相似文献   

This paper considers semi‐global robust output regulation problem for a class of singular nonlinear systems whose algebraic equations are not precisely known. Since the algebraic equations are not known, the output regulation problem of singular nonlinear systems cannot be solved by directly reducing the singular nonlinear system into a normal nonlinear system. Based on internal model principle, we convert the robust output regulation problem of singular nonlinear systems into a robust stabilization problem of an augmented singular nonlinear system. The augmented singular nonlinear system is also with unknown algebraic equations. However, without transforming the singular nonlinear system into a normal nonlinear system, it is shown that the augmented singular nonlinear system can be semi‐globally stabilized by a high gain output feedback control law under some reasonable assumptions. Moreover, the semi‐global stabilization control law of the augmented singular nonlinear systems also solves the semi‐global robust output regulation problem of the original singular nonlinear system.  相似文献   

This paper concerns global robust output regulation of a class of nonlinear lower triangular systems with an unknown high‐frequency gain as well as an unknown exosystem. A novel class of internal model candidates is integrated with the output regulation framework. As a result, stabilization of the augmented system can be performed without parameter estimators. However, the new internal models bring challenges to the stabilization of the augmented system. To overcome these challenges, we propose a new recursive controller design procedure and use it to develop a Nussbaum‐gain‐based controller. This work extends the existing results on nonlinear output regulation of lower triangular systems to the case where both the high‐frequency gain sign and the exosystem are unknown. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The global robust output regulation problem of nonlinear systems in output feedback form has been studied via a linear internal model. In this paper, we study the same problem using a class of nonlinear internal models. An advantage of nonlinear internal models is that it exists even when the system contains nonpolynomial nonlinearity and the exosystem is nonlinear. Thus, the result of this paper applies to a larger class of nonlinear systems and a larger class of exosystems. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents a Nussbaum function–based universal cooperative output regulation design for a class of nonlinear multiagent systems with both an unknown exosystem and nonidentical unknown control directions. The major challenges include the nonidentical unknown control directions in a directed communication graph and the concurrence of the unknown parameters in both the plant and the exosystem. To handle the nonidentical unknown control directions, we propose a dynamic compensator–based distributed controller such that the Nussbaum gain technique can be successfully implemented under directed communication graphs. Moreover, to deal with the unknown exosystem, we integrate the distributed controller with a novel internal model candidate. The resulting distributed controller is a universal regulator in the sense that it does not require the unknown parameters to be in known compact sets. Furthermore, the proposed controller is more flexible compared with those in the existing works as any existing Nussbaum gains can be adopted in the controller design and the adopted Nussbaum gains can be nonidentical for each agent.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an output‐feedback sliding mode control design for a class of uncertain multivariable plants with nonlinear disturbances. The approach used here is based on the control parameterization employed in model‐reference adaptive control. The disturbances are allowed to be unmatched and to depend not only on the plant output but also on its unmeas‐urable state. A less restrictive condition on the uncertainty of the high frequency gain matrix is also obtained.  相似文献   

The global robust output regulation problem for nonlinear plants subject to nonlinear exosystems has been a challenging problem and has not been well addressed. The main difficulty lies in finding a suitable internal model. The existing internal model for handling the nonlinear exosystem is not zero input globally asymptotically stable, and can only guarantee a local solution for the output regulation problem. In this paper, we first propose a new class of internal models, which is guaranteed to exist under the generalized immersion condition. An advantage of this internal model is that it is zero input globally asymptotically stable. This fact will greatly facilitate the global stabilization of the augmented system associated with the given plant and the internal model. Then we will further utilize this class of internal models to solve the global robust output regulation problem for output feedback systems with a nonlinear exosystem. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper considers the robust output regulation problem for time‐varying nonlinear systems with a time‐varying exosystem. A framework for converting the problem into a stabilization problem of an augmented system is established. The problem is solved for a class of time‐varying output feedback systems with a time‐varying exosystem. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley and Sons Asia Pte Ltd and Chinese Automatic Control Society  相似文献   

In this paper, distributed leader–follower control algorithms are presented for linear multi‐agent systems based on output regulation theory and internal model principle. By treating a leader to be followed as an exosystem, the proposed framework can be used to generalize existing multi‐agent coordination solutions to allow the identical agents to track an active leader with different dynamics and unmeasurable variables. Moreover, the obtained results for multi‐agent coordination control are an extension of previous work on centralized and decentralized output regulation to a distributed control context. Necessary and sufficient conditions for the distributed output regulation problem are given. Finally, distributed output regulation of some classes of multi‐agent systems with switching interconnection topologies are discussed via both static and dynamic feedback. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Hysteretic characteristics commonly exist in piezoelectric actuators (PEAs) and degrade the positioning accuracy particularly in the case of low‐frequency trajectory tracking. A PEA with hysteretic characteristics is usually difficult to precisely control because the unmeasurable hysteretic force is typically generated by a complicated nonlinear dynamic model. This task can be theoretically formulated as a robust output regulation problem with a specific nonlinear and non‐autonomous exosystem. In this paper, the theoretical problem is first solved within a novel internal model architecture. With the proposed controller, the PEA is able to asymptotically track a desired reference trajectory with the robustness to plant uncertainties. The effectiveness of the design is verified by extensive experiments. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We consider the design of a robust continuous sliding mode controller for the output regulation of a class of minimum‐phase nonlinear systems. Previous work has shown how to do this by incorporating a linear servocompensator in the sliding mode design, but the transient performance is degraded when compared to ideal sliding mode control. Extending previous ideas from the design of ‘conditional integrators’ for the case of asymptotically constant references and disturbances, we design the servocompensator as a conditional one that provides servocompensation only inside the boundary layer; achieving asymptotic output regulation, but with improved transient performance. We give both regional as well as semi‐global results for error convergence, and show that the controller can be tuned to recover the performance of an ideal sliding mode control. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The goal of this paper is to provide a reduction paradigm for the design of output regulators which can be of interest for nonlinear as well as linear uncertain systems. The main motivation of the work is to provide a systematic design tool to deal with non‐minimum‐phase uncertain systems for which conventional high‐gain stabilization methods are not effective. The contribution of the work is two‐fold. First, this work extends a previous reduction paradigm for output regulation of nonlinear systems. Furthermore, in the case of the uncertain controlled dynamics being linear, we show how the proposed framework leads to a number of systematic design tools of interest for non‐minimum‐phase linear systems affected by severe uncertainties. A numerical control example of a linearized model of an inverted pendulum on a cart is presented. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We consider the assumption of existence of the general nonlinear internal model that is introduced in the design of robust output regulators for a class of minimum-phase nonlinear systems with rth degree (r ≥ 2). The robust output regulation problem can be converted into a robust stabilisation problem of an augmented system consisting of the given plant and a high-gain nonlinear internal model, perfectly reproducing the bounded including not only periodic but also nonperiodic exogenous signal from a nonlinear system, which satisfies some general immersion assumption. The state feedback controller is designed to guarantee the asymptotic convergence of system errors to zero manifold. Furthermore, the proposed scheme makes use of output feedback dynamic controller that only processes information from the regulated output error by using high-gain observer to robustly estimate the derivatives of the regulated output error. The stabilisation analysis of the resulting closed-loop systems leads to regional as well as semi-global robust output regulation achieved for some appointed initial condition in the state space, for all possible values of the uncertain parameter vector and the exogenous signal, ranging over an arbitrary compact set.  相似文献   

The cooperative output regulation of a linear multi‐agent system can be viewed as a generalization of the leader‐following consensus problem and was studied recently for the case where the system uncertain parameters vary in a sufficiently small neighborhood of their nominal value. This case was handled by the internal model design which converts the problem into a simultaneous eigenvalue placement problem of an augmented multi‐agent system. In this paper, we further consider the cooperative robust output regulation problem for a class of minimum phase linear multi‐agent systems in the sense that the controller allows the system uncertain parameters to vary in an arbitrarily prescribed compact subset. For this purpose, we introduce a new type of internal model that allows the cooperative robust output regulation problem of the given plant to be converted into a robust stabilization problem of an augmented multi‐agent system. We then solve our problem by combining a simultaneous high‐gain state feedback control technique and a distributed high‐gain observer technique. A special case of our result leads to the solution of the leader‐following robust consensus problem for a class of uncertain multi‐agent systems. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Existing results for output regulation of singular nonlinear systems via normal output feedback control require the normalizability assumption. In this paper, we will show that, for a large class of singular nonlinear systems, it is possible to construct a normal output feedback control to solve the regulation problem without the normalizability assumption. The major result is illustrated by an example.  相似文献   

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