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针对沧州湿地水资源短缺、面积萎缩、水质恶化、生物多样性下降及淤积严重等问题,采用调水补水、雨洪资源补水、生物调控等技术措施对沧州湿地进行水环境修复,并分析其修复效果。结果表明,沧州湿地生态环境得到了改善,所采取的水环境修复技术是有效的。  相似文献   

Floodplain wetlands of India are biologically rich and productive ecosystems that support unique aquatic flora and fauna. Covering an area of about 0.354 million ha, the floodplain wetlands are a major source of self‐recruiting small indigenous fish (SIF). They offer vast potential for both capture and culture‐based fisheries, securing livelihood and nutrition for a large section of the population. In addition to tremendous anthropogenic pressures and climatic variability, these resources have experienced a significant reduction in their geographical and areal extent. Aquatic macrophytes infestation in Indian floodplain wetlands is posing serious challenges to their ecological and economic functioning. Degradation and shrinkage of these important resources have been observed over the past few decades, attributable to the spread of aquatic weed infestation, warranting urgent attention in regard to their conservation and restoration to address their impending challenges. The present study compiled a total of 530 species under 103 families of aquatic macrophyte, representing four Indian states of the Ganga and Brahmaputra river basin. Among these 530 species, 85 species exhibit medicinal values and 30 species are edible, whereas some other species are used for basketry, cordage, fodder and as dye. Accordingly, the present study reviews the present status of the floodplain wetlands, their common aquatic weeds and their ecological services. It also synthesizes the latest knowledge and discusses the challenging issues of aquatic weed management and their control measures directed to the sustainable management of the aquatic resources.  相似文献   

This paper documents vegetation changes in a floodplain area lying next to a newly constructed reservoir on the River Yamuna (near Delhi), about a kilometre downstream of an older, silted‐up reservoir. The study site was a rectangular depression bounded by dykes on three sides and agricultural fields on the fourth. The composition and abundance of species in the plant community were observed over a ten year period (1986–1996) and changes in water level both at the study site and in the reservoir were followed. Site hydrology was governed by water level changes caused by reservoir operation with effect from 1990, when it was first filled to capacity and water began to seep through the dyke. The study area experienced increasing depth, duration and frequency of flooding. Species richness peaked in 1992, and the plant community developed four distinct zones closely associated with the hydrological gradient. Patchiness also increased though Typha angustata patches merged over time to form a continuous expanse. The microtopography of the study site, and hydrological and plant‐induced changes were largely responsible for community changes. Dyke compaction over time resulted in cessation of seepage and the study site gradually dried up by 1998, with a consequent loss of plant species. The study concludes that the hydrological regime, rather than physical connectivity with the river, may play the dominant role in developing and maintaining plant community structure in floodplain wetlands. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The River Murray, Australia, is a highly regulated river from which almost 80% of mean annual flow is removed for human use, primarily irrigated agriculture. Consequent changes to the pattern and volume of river flow are reflected in floodplain hydrology and, therefore, the wetting/drying patterns of floodplain wetlands. To explore the significance of these changes, macroinvertebrate samples were compared between permanent and temporary wetlands following experimental flooding in a forested floodplain of the River Murray. Weekly samples from two permanent wetlands and four associated temporary sites were used to track changes in macroinvertebrate assemblage composition. Non‐metric multidimensional scaling was used to ordinate the macroinvertebrate data, indicating consistent differences between the biota of permanent and temporary wetlands and between the initial and later assemblages in the temporary sites. There were marked changes over time, but little sign that the permanent and temporary assemblages were becoming more alike over the 25‐week observation period. The apparent heterogeneity of these systems is of particular importance in developing river management plans which are likely to change flooding patterns. Such plans need to maintain a mosaic of wetland habitats if floodplain biodiversity is to be supported. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Flooding is a key driver of floodplain vegetation productivity. Adaptive cycles provide a model for examining the productivity of floodplain vegetation communities in response to hydrology. Accordingly, floodplain inundation drives vegetation productivity responses through an adaptive cycle of wetting (exploitation phase), wet (conservation phase), drying (release phase), and dry (reorganization phase). We examined changes in the productivity of four floodplain vegetation communities (lignum, coolibah, grass, and poplar box) through the four phases of an adaptive cycle and explore the various strategies used by these vegetation communities to cope with variation in water availability. All four vegetation communities showed significant differences in productivity, as indicated by changes in the normalized difference vegetation index between the adaptive cycle phases. Differences were evident in the total area of vegetation that showed a productivity response, the quality or the vigour of the response, the trajectory of change overtime (i.e., towards higher or lower productivity), and the probability of change. Although the four vegetation communities exhibited response patterns in relation to flooding and drying that fit the adaptive cycle model, differences were evident in the timing of transitions between the four phases and the duration spent in those phases for each vegetation community. Poplar box and coolibah communities showed a higher productivity response during the drying or release phase. By comparison, the highest productivity response for the grassland and lignum shrubland was observed during the wetting or exploitation phase. Overall, the results showed that the four vegetation communities are sensitive to the degree of wetting at different phases in the adaptive cycle. Knowledge of floodplain vegetation response in each phase of an adaptive cycle will enable better management of floodplains, as management activities can be tailored to adaptive phase patterns associated with each community.  相似文献   

河道漫滩及湿地上淹没柔性植物水流的紊流特性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
吴福生 《水利学报》2007,38(11):1301-1305
植物在河流生态的修复中起重要作用,因此对含植物明渠水流的紊流机理的研究显得非常重要。将河漫滩及湿地中含淹没柔性植物的水流视为充分发展了的紊流,在实验室中用特定材料模拟柔性植物,通过水槽试验用三维ADV对淹没柔性植物段紊流特性进行了测量研究,对试验结果计算分析表明含淹没柔性植物的垂向流速分布不再符合指数分布;其紊流具有明显的各向异性特性;植物冠层交界处,水流紊动交换强烈,该处紊流强度及雷诺应力出现最大值。  相似文献   

The effects of floodplain fragmentation by dykes on grassland vegetation were evaluated through field studies along the Middle Elbe River (federal states Saxony‐Anhalt and Brandenburg, Germany). Plant species composition was examined in 206 sites between 1996 and 1998 in the entire floodplain, which can be divided into the floodplain types ‘recent floodplain’, ‘older floodplain’ (which is separated from the recent one by dykes) and the ‘margin of the floodplain’ (which is the part of the older floodplain that forms the boundary and is furthest from the river). Dynamics in hydrology were examined weekly between November 1996 and February 1999 with the help of 40 water level wells which were installed near the studied sites. The hydrological parameters ‘average water level’, ‘average groundwater level’, ‘flooding duration’, ‘flooding depth higher 50 cm above soil surface’ and ‘standard deviation of the water level line’ were calculated to characterize the considered floodplain types and to relate species composition to hydrology. Furthermore several parameters of current management of the vegetation were recorded to evaluate the importance of land use versus hydrology for floodplain grasslands. Detrended and canonical correspondence analysis (DCA, CCA) were used to identify major environmental gradients governing the vegetation and to determine if there is a relationship between the different locations within the floodplain, variation in species composition, and gradients of measured environmental variables. The results indicate that the vegetation is closely related to a combination of water level fluctuations, which are different among the floodplain types, and soil moisture, while type and intensity of current management are not important in this context. The results of contingency tables underline the significance of dykes for the occurrence and absence of individual species among the floodplain types. The observed patterns can also be explained by the different hydrological properties of the recent and older floodplain as the results of logistic regression reveal. Furthermore, disturbance and dispersal processes and their alteration by dykes have to be taken into account to explain the pattern of species occurrence. Partial ordination detected residual differences in vegetation among the different floodplain types after accounting for the effects of the measured environmental variables. Grain size distribution is discussed as a further factor that might influence species composition. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

人工湿地植物水质净化作用的数值模拟研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究区域永年洼湿地面临生态退化、水污染严重等问题,已通过人工种植湿地植物进行生态修复及水质改善。永年洼连续2年的水质监测结果表明,随着湿地植物的种植和生长,洼内水体的氨氮(NH3-N)、总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)等都有不同程度的下降。本文根据湿地植物对水质的作用机理,通过MIKE模型的EcoLab中水质过程自定义及编辑功能,基于湿地植物的泌氧、细菌活性增加和植物吸收作用下水化学反应过程,构建"WQ+Veg"水质模块,耦合MIKE21水动力结果,模拟永年洼人工湿地种植前后湖区流速及NH3-N、 TN、 TP等水质指标的变化。在有加密监测的断面上,模拟有植物的2017年情景相比无植物的2016年情景,NH3-N、TN和TP平均下降了14.9%、7.33%和14.3%,与监测结果较为一致。在永年洼出水口处2017年相比2016年,NH3-N、TN和TP的去除率提高了7.2%、5.3%和9.1%。模型描述的反应过程清晰,可考虑湿地植物类型、分布、面积等条件下水质氮磷的响应,为大尺度湿地修复的布局及设计提供研究工具,同时为湿地水质净化效果评估提供依据。  相似文献   

Channelization of streams associated with floodplain forested wetlands has occurred extensively throughout the world and specifically in the southeastern United States. Channelization of fluvial systems alters the hydrologic and sedimentation processes that sustain these systems. In western Tennessee, channelization and past land‐use practices have caused drastic geomorphic and hydrologic changes, resulting in altered habitat conditions that may affect avian communities. The objective of this study was to determine if there were differences in avian communities utilizing floodplain forests along unchannelized streams compared to channelized streams with valley plugs, areas where sediment has completely filled the channel. During point count surveys, 58 bird species were observed at unchannelized sites and 60 species were observed at valley plug sites. Species associated with baldcypress‐tupelo (Taxodium‐Nyssa) swamps (e.g. Great Egret (Ardea albus) and Black‐crowned Night Heron (Nycticorax nycticorax)) and mature hardwood forests with open midstories (e.g. Eastern Wood‐Pewee (Contopus virens), Yellow‐throated Vireo (Vireo flavifrons), Cerulean Warbler (Dendroica cerulea) and Scarlet Tanager (Piranga olivacea)) were either only found at unchannelized sites or were more abundant at unchannelized sites. Conversely, species associated with open and early successional habitats (e.g. Tree Swallow (Tachycineta bicolor), Northern Mockingbird (Mimus polyglottos) and Blue Grosbeak (Passerina caerulea)) were either only found at valley plug sites or were more abundant at valley plug sites. Results of habitat modelling suggest that the habitat characteristics of floodplain forests at unchannelized sites are more suitable for Neotropical migrant bird species of conservation concern in the region than at valley plug sites. This study, in combination with previous research, demonstrates the ecological impacts of valley plugs span across abiotic and biotic processes and tropic levels. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Historical trends in hydrology, geomorphology, and floodplain vegetation provide fundamental contexts for designing future management of large rivers, an area of fluvial research extensively informed by studies of historical channel dynamics. Changes in hydrology, channel structure, floodplain forests, and large wood were documented for the 273‐km main stem of the Willamette River from 1850 to present. Reduced sediment supply and frequency and magnitude of floods have decreased channel mobility and incised channels, leading to fewer gravel bars, islands, and side channels. Human alteration of channel morphology, vegetation, and bank hardening has exacerbated channel simplification caused by reductions in floods, sediment supply, and inputs of wood. A substantial number of floodplain channels reoccupied remnants of previous active channels inundated during recent floods, demonstrating functional but often forgotten role of historical geomorphic structure in modern floodplains and flood processes. In most reaches, area of floodplain forests in 1990 was only 10% to 25% of the area of forests in 1850. Abundance of wood in the wetted channel was generally greater in reaches with higher abundances of floodplain forests. Future trajectories will be influenced by legacies of the historical river but increasingly will reflect evolution of a new river shaped by human development, changing climate, and emerging hydrogeomorphic and vegetation processes. Understanding historical characteristics and anticipating future rates and patterns of ecosystem change provide fundamental contexts for restoring biophysical processes and structure in a large floodplain river.  相似文献   

Floodplains and their associated wetlands are important features of semiarid and arid landscapes, providing habitat and refugia for native species as well as contributing to human needs for freshwater. Globally, floodplain habitats are some of the most modified ecological communities because of water resource development and land‐use changes. However, the hydrological changes that have occurred in highly variable semiarid and arid systems are rarely quantified in a way that helps us understand the consequences for different floodplain habitat types. This study investigated changes in floodplain‐river connectivity that have occurred because of water resource development on four floodplain habitat types in the Lachlan River Catchment, Australia: (a) temporary floodplain lakes, (b) intermittent river red gum (Eucalyptus camaldulensis) swamps, (c) intermittent black box (Eucalyptus largiflorens) swamps, and (d) terminal wetlands (wetlands along distributary creeks). Changes to floodplain‐river connectivity characteristics were calculated using their commence to fill thresholds and flow scenarios derived from a river hydrology model, enabling comparison of long‐term data sets (120 years) encompassing a range of climate conditions. Connection regime metrics have changed significantly in all floodplain habitats except intermittent black box swamps. Temporary floodplain lakes have experienced the greatest reduction in number of connection events (60% reduction), followed by intermittent river red gum swamps (55% reduction). Intermittent black box swamps and terminal wetlands have experienced the least change in number of connection events (35% reduction). The nature of the change in connection suggests a change in vegetation communities will occur in response to long‐term hydrological change.  相似文献   

Periodic deoxygenation events (DO < 1 mg/L) occur in the Richmond River Estuary on the east coast of Australia following flooding and these events may be accompanied by total fish mortality. This study describes the deoxygenation potential of different types of floodplain vegetation in the lower Richmond River catchment and provides a catchment scale estimate of the relative contribution of floodplain vegetation decomposition to deoxygenation of floodwaters. Of the major vegetation types on the floodplain slashed pasture was initially (first 5 to 7 h) the most oxygen demanding vegetation type after inundation (268 ± mg O2 m?2 h?1), followed by dropped tea tree cuttings (195 ± 18 mg O2 m?2 h?1) and harvested cane trash (110 ± 8 mg O2 m?2 h?1). However, 10 h after inundation the oxygen consumption rates of slashed pasture (105 ± 5 mg O2 m?2 h?1) and tea tree cuttings (59 ± 7 mg O2 m?2 h?1) had decreased to a rate less than the harvested cane trash (110 ± 8 mg O2 m?2 h?1). The oxygen demands of the different floodplain vegetation types when inundated were highly correlated with their nitrogen content (r2 = 0.77) and molar C:N ratio (r2 = 0.82) reflecting the dependence of oxygen demand of vegetation types on their labile carbon content. The floodplain of the lower Richmond River (as flooded in February 2001) has the potential to deoxygenate about 12.5 × 103 mL of saturated freshwater at 25°C per day which is sufficient to completely deoxygenate floodwater stored on the floodplain with 3 to 4 days. In addition, oxidation of Fe2+ mobilized during the decomposition of floodplain vegetation via iron reduction and discharged from groundwater and surface runoff in acid sulfate soil environments could account for about 10% of the deoxygenation of floodwater stored on the floodplain. Management options to reduce floodplain deoxygenation include removing cuttings from slashed pasture and transporting off‐site, reducing slashed pasture windrow loads by using comb‐type mowers, returning areas of the floodplain to wetlands to allow the establishment of inundation tolerant vegetation and retaining deoxygenated floodwaters in low lying areas of the floodplain to allow oxygen consumption process to be completed before releasing this water back to the estuary. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

辽宁盘锦双台子河口湿地生态环境需水量研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
辽宁盘锦双台子河口湿地生态环境需水量主要由生态需水量和环境需水量组成。根据双台子河口湿地生态环境需水量的特点,选取适宜的生态环境需水量计算方法,利用3S技术对湿地地表信息进行提取,计算该湿地2000年和2005年各类生态环境需水量的最小、最适合和最大值。计算结果表明:2005年湿地生态环境需水量较2000年有所减少。对生态环境需水量的变化进行了对比分析,阐述了双台子河口湿地生态环境需水量变化的原因,为双台子河口湿地保护和水资源合理利用提供有利依据。  相似文献   

文章针对莫莫格湿地近年来的持续干旱,多数河流相继断流、湖泊泡沼水量明显减少或干涸,水质恶化,湿地面积急剧萎缩,湿地生态系统遭到严重破坏的局面。提出在采用工程措、施满足湿地用水的同时,还应做好水环境保护工作。  相似文献   

张云  蔡彬彬 《人民长江》2017,48(10):30-32
将生态湿地技术用于处理南通市某污水处理厂的尾水,详细介绍了处理工艺流程和设计参数,并对主要技术指标进行了分析。运行结果表明:生态湿地技术对城市污水处理厂尾水具有较好的净化效果,对COD、BOD5、NH3-N和TP的平均去除率分别达到60.1%,55.3%,76.6%,57.8%以上,出水水质达到了《地表水环境质量标准》(GB3838-2002)中Ⅲ类水的要求,有效削减了污染物的入河排放量,改善了区域水环境质量。  相似文献   

Floodplain lakes are important aquatic resources for supporting ecosystem services, such as organismal habitat, biodiversity, and the retention of nutrients and sediment. Due to geomorphic alteration of river channels and land-cover change, degradation to floodplain lakes in the Ohio River basin is occurring at a rate that will escalate as climate change causes increased flood intensity and the seasonal redistribution of rainfall. A better understanding of the local drivers that affect oxbow lakes is needed for targeted floodplain restoration efforts designed to slow degradation. We examined the effects of land cover, topography, and hydrologic connectivity on water quality and fish diversity and abundance in nine floodplain lakes with potentially high remnant ecological function in the Wabash-White watershed (Indiana, Ohio, and Illinois). Data collection included water-quality parameters; stable water isotopes; total phosphorus, total nitrogen, and chlorophyll-a; and fish community diversity and abundance. Results indicate that hay/pasture land cover and decreased topographic relief in the local oxbow watersheds, along with reduced river hydrologic connectivity, were related to an increase in total phosphorus, total nitrogen, and chlorophyll-a. Greater biodiversity and abundance in fish assemblages were evident in oxbow lakes that were more disconnected from the main channel. The results of this study suggest that hydrologic connectivity of oxbow lakes with the contributing drainage area and the main channel influence nutrients and fish communities. Knowing the influencing factors can help ecosystem managers better protect these valuable floodplain lake ecosystems and prioritize restoration efforts amidst increasing stressors due to climate and land-use changes.  相似文献   

湿地水质监测技术与方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘巍  杨航  郑国臣  鲁雪 《东北水利水电》2011,29(10):48-49,59,72
湿地是水陆相互作用形成的特殊自然综合体.具有巨大的水文和元素循环功能,是生物多样性的“基因库”.但由于人类活动和自然因素,使其受到不同程度的污染,特别是水质污染令人担忧.文章对湿地水质监测技术、因子及方法,作了介绍.  相似文献   

为了揭示鄱阳湖湿地植被对关键水文要素的响应规律,综合运用EFDC水动力学模型和高斯模型,建立了湿地植被分布面积对淹没水深、淹没时长和退水时间的响应关系,明确湿地植被对关键水文要素的生态需求。结果表明:鄱阳湖湿地典型植被对这3种关键水文要素的生态阈值点由小到大依次均表现为:芦苇苔草虉草蓼子草,从而形成了芦苇、苔草、虉草和蓼子草由高到低的空间分布格局;苔草的生态幅宽最大,表明其对生境的适宜范围最广、适应能力最强,从而使得其在鄱阳湖的分布范围最广。  相似文献   

人工湿地中水生植物的作用和选择   总被引:64,自引:2,他引:64  
综述国内外有关人工湿地水生植物在污水净化过程中的作用及其选择的研究成果,提出了人工湿地系统水生植物有待进一步研究的问题。人工湿地水生植物的主要作用为:吸收利用和吸附富集污染物质、传输氧到湿地系统、为微生物提供栖息地、维持系统的稳定、积累有机物质。人工湿地系统要选择栽种耐污能力强、去污效果好、适合当地环境、根系发达、有一定经济价值的水生植物。  相似文献   

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