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垂直分层空时码(V-BLAST)是贝尔实验室提出的一种基于多入多出(MIMO)传输方式的空时码系统,其检测算法是MIMO系统的有效检测方法。首先介绍V-BLAST系统的信号模型,在此基础上应用不同的信号估计准则推导出不同的检测算法,最后通过仿真实验对各种算法的性能和优缺点进行了分析和比较。  相似文献   

骆静 《通信技术》2008,41(2):30-31,38
文中首先对MIMO系统启发式算法中的BLAST算法和球解码(CL算法)进行了研究.然后,在前面介绍的相关知识基础上,提出了一种新的球解码算法.该改进算结合BLAST算法计算量小和球解码算法(CL算法)误码性能好的优点而提出的.改进算法在牺牲一定误码性能的情况下,换取算法计算量的大幅度下降.仿真结果表明了这种改进算法的有效性.  相似文献   

周健 《通信技术》2007,40(11):63-64,67
提出了一种MIM0系统中低复杂度的局域化最大似然信号检测算法,该方法通过调整信号有效搜索域大小,在计算复杂度与系统性能之间折衷.实验结果表明:该信号检测算法明显降低了高阶QAM调制的计算复杂度,在QPSK和16QAM调制时,当系统性能接近最大似然算法时计算量仅为其很小一部分。  相似文献   

This paper presents an effective scheduling scheme for sphere decoding (SD) with runtime constraints, targeting the practical multiple‐input multiple‐output (MIMO) communication systems where neither the interleaving scheme nor its block size cannot be designed freely. The proposed scheme imposes runtime constraints on SD to distribute the errors due to the early termination of SD. Because the distributed errors may be corrected effectively by forward error correction, the error‐rate performance can be improved; experimental results show that the performance improvement is approximately 2dB in terms of the signal‐to‐noise ratio to achieve a bit‐error rate of 10?4 in 4 × 4 16‐QAM MIMO systems. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

For wireless multiple‐input multiple‐output (MIMO) communications systems, both channel estimation error and spatial channel correlation should be considered when designing an effective signal detection system. In this paper, we propose a new soft‐output MMSE based Vertical Bell Laboratories Layered Space‐Time (V‐BLAST) receiver for spatially‐correlated Rician fading MIMO channels. In this novel receiver, not only the channel estimation errors and channel correlation but also the residual interference cancellation errors are taken into consideration in the computation of the MMSE filter and the log‐likelihood ratio (LLR) of each coded bit. More importantly, our proposed receiver generalizes all existing soft‐output MMSE V‐BLAST receivers, in the sense that, previously proposed soft‐output MMSE V‐BLAST receivers can be derived as the reduced forms of our receiver when the above three considered factors are partially or fully simplified. Simulation results show that the proposed soft‐output MMSE V‐BLAST receiver outperforms the existing receivers with a considerable gain in terms of bit‐error‐rate (BER) performance. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

提出了一种基于多输入多输出雷达的收发两级空时自适应处理(STAP)算法。收发两级STAP 与收发联合STAP 不同在于:分别对等效发射端与接收端进行空时处理,从而达到降低运算量效果。文中给出收发两级STAP 所构造的协方差矩阵与收发联合STAP 协方差矩阵关系,并且给出输出信杂噪比(SCNR)表达式。从仿真结果看,收发两级法SCNR 性能与收发联合STAP 相近,且计算量有明显降低。此外,收发两级STAP 也可应用到收发联合降维算法中,得到与收发联合降维算法一样的性能,且运算量进一步降低。  相似文献   

In this letter, we propose an efficient near‐optimal detection scheme (that makes use of a generalized sphere decoder (GSD)) for blind multi‐user multiple‐input multiple‐output (MU‐MIMO) systems. In practical MU‐MIMO systems, a receiver suffers from interference because the precoding matrix, the result of the precoding technique used, is quantized with limited feedback and is thus imperfect. The proposed scheme can achieve near‐optimal performance with low complexity by using a GSD to detect several additional interference signals. In addition, the proposed scheme is suitable for use in blind systems.  相似文献   

孙德福 《电讯技术》2011,51(6):42-45
提出了一种基于Alamouti模型的差分检测方案,通过对发射符号进行相位旋转,携带附加角度信息,获得更高的频谱效率.仿真结果表明:通过发送端携带附加角度信息,能获得更高的频谱效率.同时,方案中的角度旋转思想有望在其它差分检测方案中得到应用.  相似文献   

随机最大似然算法(Stochastic Maximum Likelihood,SML)具有优越的波达方位(Direction-of-Arrival,DOA)估计性能,但SML解析过程较高的计算复杂度限制了该算法在实际系统中的应用.针对SML计算复杂度高的问题,提出一种低复杂度的粒子群优化算法(Particle Swarm Optimization,PSO),解决了传统PSO算法中粒子数多和迭代次数多的双重缺点.首先,根据天线获得的信号,将旋转不变子空间法(Estimation of Signal Parameters via Rotational Invariance Techniques,ESPRIT)求得的闭式解作为DOA的预估计值,同时计算系统此时的信噪比以及SML在此信噪比下的克拉-美罗界(Cramer-Rao bound,CRB).然后,根据DOA预估计值和当前CRB值在SML最优解的近邻范围内确定较小的初始化空间,并在该空间初始化少量粒子.最后通过设计合适的惯性因子w,使粒子以合理的速度搜索最优解.实验结果表明,改进PSO算法所需的粒子个数和迭代次数大约是传统PSO算法的1/5,降低了SML的解析复杂度,计算时间是传统PSO算法的1/10,因此在收敛速度上也有显著的优势.  相似文献   

分析了OFDM基本原理并构建了MIMO-OFDM系统的模型,接着阐述了空时编码技术在OFDM中的应用,提出了在OFDM系统中采用空时Turbo网格编码的方案,详细分析了ST Turbo TC编码器和译码器原理,最后对系统进行了仿真,并分析了仿真结果。系统仿真结果表明采用Turbo网格编码的系统性能优于采用一般空时编码的MIMO-OFDM系统。  相似文献   

分层空时码检测算法的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
刘宁  李颖  王新梅 《电子学报》2003,31(11):1754-1757
分层空时码技术是提高无线信道传输速率的一种十分有效的方法.迫零检测算法和最小均方误差检测算法是分层空时码体制中经常使用的两种检测算法,它们都使用了通常的线性合并置零技术,因此要求接收天线数不小于发射天线数,即要求在接收机上安装较多的天线,从而限制了分层空时码在移动环境下的应用.本文引入分层空时码的最大似然检测算法,突破了前两种算法对接收天线数的限制,并分别针对单路径和多径衰落信道环境,对分层空时码的三种检测算法的性能进行了仿真比较和分析,从而提出了它们各自适合的应用环境.  相似文献   

张良  祝欢  吴涛 《现代雷达》2015,(12):11-18
机载预警雷达体系架构与信号处理技术相互推动、代次发展,信号处理变革的驱动力来自于系统需求,系统架构的搭建以核心处理能力发挥到最优为准则。文中首先分析了机载预警雷达杂波谱空间-频域以及空间-距离-频域的特点; 然后,概括总结了脉冲多普勒和空时自适应处理两代体系架构演变的历史;最后,从机载预警雷达面临的杂波和干扰抑制需求出发,提出了未来机载预警雷达体系架构三种可能的演变路径。  相似文献   

One objective in developing the next generation of wireless communication systems is to increase data rates and reliability. A promising way to achieve this is to combine multiple‐input and multiple‐output signal processing with a space‐time coding scheme, which offers higher coding and diversity gains and improves the spectrum efficiency and reliability of a wireless communication system. It is noted, however, that time delay differences and phase differences among different channels increase symbol interference and degrade system performance. In this letter, we investigate phase differences and their effects on multiple‐input and multiple‐output systems, and propose a compensation algorithm for the Rayleigh fading model to minimize their effects.  相似文献   

王翠  周围 《数字通信》2014,(4):9-13
综合考虑多输入多输出(MIMO)系统的分集和复用增益,将STBC和VBLAST2种编码方案结合起来组成STBC-VBLAST混合系统,实现了数据传输速率和可靠性之间的折衷?根据无线信道的时变特性,自适应地调整发射天线,提高了系统的灵活性,并在接收端引入新的QRD-M译码算法?仿真结果表明,该算法进一步降低了系统误码率,提高了系统性能?  相似文献   

袁海锋  江朝抒 《信号处理》2012,28(7):1000-1005
本文针对多径环境下对低空动目标的检测问题,提出了基于正交频分多路复用-多输入多输出(OFDM-MIMO)雷达体制的多径抑制方法。由于多径回波之间的相位差是随机的,向量叠加后导致接收回波时强时弱,使得检测性能急剧下降,OFDM通过同时携带不同频率的载波能够带来频率分集,同时MIMO通过阵元的分布能够带来空间分集,且不同的路径回波具有不同的多普勒频移,因此频率分集和空间分集技术可以降低多径信号对消的概率,有效地抑制镜面反射多径干扰。本文在广义多元变量分析的框架下建立了参数化的测量模型,并且采用广义似然比检测方法对目标进行了检测。仿真结果验证了采用OFDM-MIMO雷达体制能够带来目标检测性能的提高。   相似文献   

在多输入输出(Multiple-Input Multiple-Output,MIMO)系统中提出一种块分组编码与VBLAST的联合编码方案,该方案对最先检测的2层数据流采用块分组编码,其余层采用垂直分层空时码(Vertical Bell Layered Space-Time Code,VBLAST)的编码方式,MIMO系统同时具有了空时分组码(Space Time Block Code,STBC)可以降低误码率的优点与VBLAST能够提高系统容量的优点。块分组编码将数据符号按层分块后交叉通过不同的天线对发射,数据流之间产生了一定交织效果,使编码获得了更好的分集增益,在接收端结合QR分解的最大似然解码算法进行解码。仿真结果表明该联合编码方案与传统的Alamouti编码和VBLAST的联合编码方案相比误码率性能有较大改善。  相似文献   

薛义生  朱雪龙 《电子学报》2001,29(10):1352-1355
本文探讨了无线移动信道中空时格形码的一种自适应解码技术.通过分析无周期间插正交导引信号下空时格形码的最大似然序列检测,指出可利用逐幸存路径处理得到该情形下可实用的最大似然序列检测算法;以此为依据,结合利用自调整LMS算法实现的信道跟踪,本文提出一种空时格形码的自适应解码器,该解码器具有所采用信道跟踪参数与信道衰落速度无关的优点;文章最后给出计算机仿真结果.  相似文献   

In this paper, we analyze an optical wireless communication (OWC) system having a source and a destination node, equipped with multiple transmit and receive apertures, respectively. We utilize generalized orthogonal space‐time block codes (OSTBCs) of any arbitrary order and subcarrier intensity modulation scheme for data transmission over gamma–gamma (GG) fading optical links using M ‐ary phase‐shift keying (PSK) constellation. A symbol‐wise decoding is utilized, and the closed‐form expression of the approximate average symbol error rate (SER) of multi‐aperture‐based OWC system is obtained for the generalized OSTBC and an arbitrary M ‐PSK constellation. Using the derived SER expression, we analytically evaluate the diversity order and the coding gain of the OWC system with GG atmospheric turbulence. It has been shown by the numerical results that the maximum possible diversity is achieved by using the symbol‐wise maximum likelihood decoding in the destination. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

As a hot‐spot of 5G, the research on detection algorithms for massive multiple input multiple output (MIMO) system is significant but difficult. The traditional MIMO detection algorithms or their improvements are not appropriate for large scaled antennas. In this paper, we propose artificial bee colony (ABC) detection algorithm for massive MIMO system. As one advanced technology of swarm intelligence, ABC algorithm is most efficient for large scaled constrained numerical combinatorial optimization problem. Therefore, we employ it to search the optimum solution vector in the modulation alphabet with linear detection result as initial. Simulation and data analysis prove the correctness and efficiency. Versus the scale of massive MIMO systems from 64 × 64 to 1024 × 1024 with uncoded four‐quadrature‐amplitude‐modulation signals, the proposed ABC detection algorithm obtains bit error rate of 10 − 5 at low average received signal‐to‐noise‐ratio of 12 dB with rapid convergence rate, which approximates the optimum bit error rate performance of the maximum likelihood and achieves the theoretical optimum spectral efficiency with low required average received signal‐to‐noise‐ratio of 10 dB in similar increasing regularity, over finite time of low polynomial computational complexity of per symbol, where NT denotes the transmitting antennas' number. The proposed ABC detection algorithm is efficient for massive MIMO system. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

为了降低多用户之间的干扰问题,提出了一种新的混沌多址通信系统(多比特MA-DCSK),并设计了该系统的多用户检测算法。通过仿真实验,比较了该多比特MA-DCSK系统与可变延时MA-DCSK系统的误码率性能,证明了该系统具有更低的误码率。利用量子并行运算的特性,采用Grover量子算法解决多用户检测算法的计算复杂度,这种算法可以将复杂度从 降低到 。仿真结果表明,在不影响系统性能的同时,量子算法可以有效地降低计算复杂度。  相似文献   

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